
u20% homework and quiz

u20% Team Project

u60% Final Exam

uAll Dr. Shamsi’s lectures

uGuest lecturers who provided handouts

uScott Zang

uJoshua Noble

uDan Wallace


u45 multiple choice questions (like the class quizzes)

u90 minutes (2 minutes / question)

uOpen book (notes and handouts also allowed)


Prof. Sam Shamsi

Fall 2011

Thursdays 5:10 PM to 7:40 PM (Room 2400 or 2335)

October 13, 2011: CM Class After Construction Management Game

Construction Management Game: Winning Team Round 1: PM can see the model.

Winner - Round 1 - PM can see the model

Construction Management Game Winning Team Round 2: PM cannot see the model.

Winner Round 2: PM cannot see the model.

Pizza Party: After The Construction Management Game

After The Construction Management Game


Our thanks to the following guest lecturers:

Dan Wallace, P.E. (President, Wallace and Pancher, Inc.)

Scott Zang, P.E. (Technical Consultant, Michael Baker Jr., Inc.)

Bill Johngrass, P.E. (Project Manager, URS, Inc.)

Team 1: Client

Name: Youngstown Sewer Rats

Team 3: Contractor

Name: Ohio Penn Contractors (OPC)

1. Ambrosio, Justin D.

2. Bowser, Thomas G.

3. Brodskiy, Sergey

4. Coppage, Matthew A.

5. DeLuco, Abbie M. (Leader)

6. Dissanayake, Mevan C.

7. Fortune, Kevin R.

8. Hicks, Travis J.

9. Hoelzel, Colin J.

10. Jones, Christopher P.

1. Rodgers, Sentel J.

2. Rohrman, Breanna R.

3. Stipetich, Michelle M. (Leader)

4. Vitelli, Raymond F.

5. Vratkovich, Kristin

Team 2: Consultant

Name: Top 5 Consultants

Team 4: Agency

Name: Steven and Stephen Protection Agency (SSPA)

1. Knapp, Nathan A.

2. McMillen, Allison N. (Leader)

3. Myers, Duane A.

4. Perkins, Matthew D.

5. Rana, Arsalan M.

1. Wheeler, Steven M.

2. Zubyk, Stephen G. (Leader)

Contact Information

Dr. Shamsi: Office: 2nd Floor, Room 2435, Office hours: Thursday 5 PM, sshamsi@mbakercorp.com, 412-375-3076 (10 AM to 6 PM)

Teaching Assistant: Jay P. Devkota, jpdevkota@student.ysu.edu, 857-294-8054

Class Monitor: Michelle Stipetich, Michelle.Stipetich@gmail.com, 330-881-5557

This page was last updated on September 14, 2011.