Parish Survey Results (2008)
The following survey of the parish was taken in 2008.
Unless otherwise stated, percentages are based upon a total of 201 responses. Responses were compiled over the course of 4 consecutive weekends. The survey questions were designed to include responses from those is the surrounding area who rotate their Mass attendance between Shaftesbury and other local parishes. The survey was taken in April 2008.
1. Where do you live?
Shaftesbury Parish 57%
Outside Shaftesbury - Regulars 18%
Outside Shaftesbury - Occasionals 25%
2. Which age group do you fall into?
Children under 12 as a percentage of the total including adults 22%
12 - 18 7%
19 - 25 2%
26 - 35 4%
36 - 45 13%
46 - 55 14%
56 - 65 15%
66 - 75 20%
75+ 21%
Not given 1%
3. Gender
Male 32%
Female 61%
Not given 7%
4. How do you get to church?
Walk 25%
Car 68%
Lift 3%
Taxi 1%
Cycle 1%
Not given 1%
5. How long is your journey to church in miles?
0 - 1 39%
1 - 3 22%
3 - 6 17%
6 - 10 10%
10+ 6%
Not given 5%
6. Do you have a car?
Yes 83%
No 17%
7. Which Mass do you normally attend?
Sat 42%
Sun 56%
Either or both 2%
8. Why do you normally attend this Mass ?
Service 13%
Time 66%
Transport 4%
Other 12%
Not given 5%
9. Do you prefer Sung or Low Mass?
Sung 50%
Low 23%
No Pref 25%
Not given 2%
10. Shaftesbury parishioners only:
Do you attend Mass in adjacent parishes?
Yes 10%
No 83%
Not given 7%
11. Non Shaftesbury parishioners
a. How often do you attend St Edward's?
Weekly 38%
Fortnightly 13%
Monthly 12%
Other 22%
Not given 15%
b. Why do you attend St Edwards?
Location 24%
Mass Time 20%
Sense of Community 22%
Family Friendly 18%
Quality 14%
Other 2%
15.Other Services requested
(Percentages based on ~40% of respondents who answered this question)
Confession 31%
Benediction 13%
Stations 10%
Exposition 11%
Weekday Mass 19%
Catechism 8%
Others 8%
Note: There were other responses that were collated and processed that do not lend themselves to the type of summary given above
Fr Dylan would like to express his thanks to Mike Canty for the efficiency and quality of the processing of these results.