Children's Sacramental Preparation

For more information contact: Father John Rice (parish priest) - 01747 852125

Confession & First Holy Communion

When children reach ‘the age of reason’, i.e. about 7, they are usually considered ready to receive the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion. Before they receive the sacraments for the first time, they need to learn the meaning and significance of each sacrament and to help with this we run a year-long sacramental preparation program. In a small rural parish like ours we are able to offer intimate and friendly meetings that also help the children get to know other children in the parish.

Receiving the sacraments worthily involves a living faith, manifested by regular attendance at Sunday Mass. We therefore only admit children to prepare for these sacraments if they have been attending Sunday Mass for some months before the start of the Autumn program. If you are interested in having your child prepared for the sacraments please let us know.


Confirmation completes the gift of the Holy Spirit given in Baptism, and in our Diocese it is administered to teenagers. As with First Confession and First Holy Communion, our Confirmation program starts in the Autumn so that the candidates are ready in time to be Confirmed during Eastertide. We use the new 'Transformed in Christ' Confirmation course.

Child Protection & Safeguarding

St Edward's is part of the Diocese of Plymouth and as such adheres to CSAS safeguarding policies (CSAS: Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service). If you have any concerns about any safeguarding issues with children then please contact our parish safeguarding rep whose details are on the 'contact us' section of this website