01/02/13 - Newsletter

Post date: Jan 3, 2013 4:55:41 AM

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!! The new release CumulusX! v1.9 came out on the 28th of last month with new features for FSX, so if you haven't downloaded it yet, head on over to the SOAR Forums. I haven't gotten to fly with it yet, but intend to in the next few days, and hopefully FaceTrackNoIR v1.7 comes out soon as well. Exciting times! I'm even thinking of running the old FSHost SOAR! - QualGP'10 Switzerland contest server this February sometime late in that month, but I want to make sure it doesn't conflict with other glider contest virtual or real. The contest would be for the usual FS2004/FSX aircraft with the possible addition of users of Prepar3D.

rFactor2 beta has gone from build118 to build125 then to build134 with some official car and track additions (SkipBarber mod and Limerock Park track). There have been development elsewhere as well with Essington Park and Orchard Lake tracks in beta release and also a Lola T280 mod beta released as well as others, too. I'm really awaiting a NASCAR mod soon, but that could be a while. Things are looking up!