....running between sea and sky - over the iconic 'old' Severn Bridge.
The event this year is being organised by Rogue Runs as an evening race on the pedestrian accessways.
Tuesday 19th August 7:30pm.
Information and entry here
Severn Bridge 2025
This year, we have again been refused permission to close the M48 Severn Bridge for our event on the bank holiday weekend at the end of August. This is due to the ongoing resurfacing work on the Prince of Wales bridge. The traffic crossing from Wales to England (and back) is at an all-time high and is likely to become even busier in the years ahead – we rather suspect the closing of two lanes of the 5-lane motorway network will always now be a concern.
Coincidentally, we have also lost our main and essential car parking area, permanently. Add to that, the fact that the Event Village locale is due to undergo a major development for a new fast-food outlet, it appears that the event is unlikely to happen in its usual ‘full bridge closure’ format again. As a result, we will be winding up the SBHM Ltd company. Those of you who know us will understand just how bad the situation must be for us to make this decision – in the past we’ve always managed to put the event on when things have looked bleak – road closures in 2016 and Covid in 2020/21. We always found a way.
We have been delighted that so many of you have enjoyed your run across our bridge, over the years! In all weathers too, some of you. Many thanks to all who have supported us and especially to the 10 or so ‘ever-presents’. Huge thanks also to the amazing support team that have helped us put the event on over the years, and every single helper – you know who you are! We’ve enjoyed the ride, and are proud to have put on such a unique and iconic event. How may RO’s get the chance to close a motorway for a running event?
Some positive news: This year, 2025, through our sister company Rogue Runs we are hoping to organise a 10k on the footpath access way, as last year. We might also have races for Juniors and knowing ‘The Rogues’ there’s bound to be something a bit different going on. To clarify, this event would be on a summer evening, mid-week, in early August. Numbers would be restricted, as they are for the Severn Bridge Night races. With this, you would now have four opportunities to run across our bridge in the evening. Two at night, one at twilight . . . and one on a lovely summer evening.
So . .. thank you for your fantastic support over the years. It would never have happened if you hadn’t shown interest in running across our lovely, ‘wibbly wobbly’ bridge.
Times change. Nothing lasts forever. The journey continues. Come with us.
Paul, Andy and the team.