
Seniors in Europe are not mobile? Think again!

At the invitation of the Polish-German Association in Krakow, 12 Seniors from 9 EU-countries came to Poland to take part in the Grundtvig-Workshop Senior on the Web. The project was funded with support from the European Commission and organised within the Lifelong Learning Programme with the purpose of improving the participants' knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies as well as gaining new skills in using internet and social media tools. From the 21st to 27th April 2013, participating European seniors were working intensively on how to post a blog, learning to be a good leader as well as getting to know Polish history and culture better from the perspective of Krakow, as the centre of Europe. The diverse agenda consisting of seminars, training sessions, sightseeing tours and other intercultural events were significantly beneficial for their personal development and even career aspects as well as helping them to become more savvy in the digital world.

This homepage together with the blog SeniorWeb were designed to introduce you the idea of our project, to share the methods we worked with and to encourge you to take up this issue in your region!

Enjoy the virtual trip with the Senior on the Web! We look forward to your comments and questions about the project!