My Co-Authors (12)

Charlotte Aten, Alexander Clifton, Bishal Deb, Yifeng Huang, Jeong Han Kim, Sangjib Kim, Seoyoung Kim(3), Young-Hun Kim, Ben Lund, Thang Pham(2), Sam Spiro, Chi Hoi Yip(4)


We provide a strategy to construct a large F -Diophantine set and improve the lower bound of k-Diophantine tuples given by Hammonds-Kim-Miller-Nigam-Onghai-Saikia-Sharma (2022).

We provide new constructions of families of quasi-random graphs that behave like Paley graphs but are neither Cayley graphs nor Cayley sum graphs. We also provide new lower bounds on the clique number and independence number of general quasi-random graphs. Our results improve the previously known results for clique numbers of several classical quasi-random graphs.

We provide an improvement on a result by Dixit, Kim, and Murty (2022) on the largest size of a generalized Diophantine tuple with property D_k(n). We also make progress towards a conjecture of Sárközy on multiplicative decompositions of shifted multiplicative subgroups.

We study the finite field analog of some questions studied by Mattila from geometric measure theory with an emphasis on the group of orthogonal matrices and the set of orthogonal projections. This presents applications of the Erdős-Falconer distance problem over finite fields.

We provide a representation theoretic interpretation of certain symmetric functions, which originated from K-theory. More precisely, we construct 0-Hecke modules corresponding to genomic Schur functions introduced by Pechenik and Yong (2017).

We construct a functor from n-ary analogues of quasigroups to orientable triangulable n-dimensional manifolds, which generalizes the functor described by Herman and Pakianathan (2017) from nonabelian finite groups to tessellated surfaces. 

Accepted & Published Papers

By explicit constructions, we improve the lower bound on the largest size of a Diophantine tuple over a finite field.

We develop the Euclidean analogs of q-binomial coefficients, and study their combinatorics. This is the theory of the orthogonal group version of q-analogs.

We give an exact formula for the expected values of the longest continuously increasing subsequences in random words, and use this to obtain asymptotics, confirming a conjecture of Diaconis, Graham, He, and Spiro (2021). The proof for the exact formula involves a non-trivial argument from generating functions. 

We provide threshold functions for the event that a random subset of the points of a vector space over a finite field has certain properties related to point-flat incidences.

We construct graphs coming from quadratic spaces over finite fields which generalize a result given by Bishnoi, Ihringer, and Pepe (2020). The graphs have an unexpected relation with lower bounds of off-diagonal Ramsey numbers.

We study the incidences between Euclidean spaces over finite fields using the Expander mixing lemma.

We prove that the twice-iterated Pieri algebra has the structure of a cluster algebra of type A and investigate its relation with the tensor product decomposition problem.

Conference Proceedings


   Combinatorics of quadratic spaces over finite fields, Ph.D. thesis (2021)

    The three * papers above constitute my Ph.D. thesis.

   Cluster algebra structure of certain quadratic algebras, Master's thesis (2016)

     My Master's thesis contains a result in the paper ** above.