I was an instructor for MTH142 Calculus II in the second summer session 2020 at the University of Rochester. Overall rating was 4.71 out of 5.

Here are some feedbacks from evaluations from the report:


About teaching skills:

 Some interesting problems

2. Another interesting problem is to figure out "?". I learned this problem during my visit in Hong Kong.

  3. Can you turn a sphere inside out in a 3-dimensional space without cutting or tearing? I had a fun conversation with Charlotte Aten during the Thanksgiving 2020! sphere inversion, stackexchange.

  4. Can you guess what's next? 

       1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, 13112221, ?

       This sequence was introduced and analyzed by John Conway, and there is the answer

  5. An interesting problem about infinity! Video :  "How An Infinite Hotel Ran Out Of Room" (It is called, "Hilbert's Hotel.")

  6. Have you heard that 13 is a lucky number? : What is a lucky number?

  7. Can you explain this staircase paradox? The picture is from Wikipedia.


  8. Can you guess the number in (?)? The answer is not 15. I learned about this problem during my visit to Brussels.