
This is the homepage of Chi Hoi Yip

You can call me Kyle :)


I recently obtained my PhD from University of British Columbia under the supervision of Greg Martin, Jozsef Solymosi, and Joshua Zahl. The title of my thesis is Topics in arithmetic combinatorics.

My Erdős number is 3.


I completed my Msc in Mathematics in UBC in Jan 2021.  My Msc thesis is On the clique number of Paley graphs and generalized Paley graphs.

Previously, I completed my B.Sc. in Mathematics and in Computer Science at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in June 2019.   

Research Interests

Number theory and combinatorics. 

I am primarily interested in arithmetic combinatorics, analytic number theory, and finite fields. I am also interested in arithmetic geometry, Diophantine equations, extremal combinatorics, finite geometry, and metric number theory.

Some keywords of my research: additive decomposition, algebraic methods in combinatorics, blocking set, character sum, cyclotomy, direction set, Diophantine tuple, Erdős similarity problem, Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem, Euclidean Ramsey theory, Hilton-Milner theorem, multiplicative decomposition, Paley graph, Peisert graph, prime number race.


A few recent papers (a full list of publications can be found here):

Exact values and improved bounds on the clique number of cyclotomic graphs 

Diophantine tuples and multiplicative structure of shifted multiplicative subgroups (with Seoyoung Kim and Semin Yoo). 

Restricted sumsets in multiplicative subgroups

On an Erdős similarity problem in the large (with Xiang Gao and Yuveshen Mooroogen).

Avoiding short progressions in Euclidean Ramsey theory (with Gabriel Currier and Kenneth Moore). 


You can contact me via e-mail at kyleyip@math.ubc.ca or kyleyip111@gmail.com .