Day of your Recommendation

The day of your Recommendation is when you perform your basics, kata, stomach exercises, and spar (see the Colour Belt Requirements page, under Grading, for more info).

The day of your Recommendation is usually a month before the day of your Grading. Your Head Sensei will inform you of when and where your Recommendation will take place. Sometimes it will be held at a different dojo than your own.

A Sensei from another dojo will be testing you at your Recommendation.

It is very important that you arrive to your Recommendation on time... or better yet, a little early. If you're going to be late let your Head Sensei know ahead of time, at least a week ahead of time.

If you do not pass your Recommendation you will not go on to the Grading. But don't worry, Recommendations/Gradings are held every three months. So you can try again at the next Recommendation after a little more practice.

There is a grading fee of $60 that you should bring to your Recommendation.

On the day of your Recommendation you need to have the following:


See the Short Essay Instructions page, under Grading, for more info. Follow these instruction EXACTLY.


This includes head, hand, foot gear and mouth guard. And if you have them, shin and forearm pads.


Make sure that your gi is clean and pressed.

Make sure your crest is positioned properly on your gi top. Talk to one of your Sensei if you're not sure of it's positioning.