Sorbian LC Classification Numbers for Literature and Language

The aim of this page is to provide an overview of the main LC classification numbers for materials on Sorbian literature and language. The list provided is not exhaustive.

Publications on or in the Sorbian languages go into the PG5631 through PG5659.42 class number range, and literature materials go into the PG5661 through PG5689 range, with no distinction in which language the publication is or whether the publication refers to Upper or Lower Sorbian. There are a few exceptions for local authors, such as PG5683 and PG5684 (see second table below). 

Publications in one of the Sorbian languages on specific topics are published under the main topic.

Table 1
Table 2
Table 3

For a listing of classification numbers on these topics please consult the chapter Sorbian LC Classification Numbers for History and Ethnography.

[submitted by Milan Pohontsch, July 2023]