Sorbian LC Classification Numbers for History and Ethnography

The aim of this page is to provide an overview of the main LC classification numbers for Sorbian history and ethnography topics. The list provided is not exhaustive.

There are a few ethnographic LC classification schedules reserved for Sorbs (see tables below). Publications on history-related subjects on Lusatia (the Sorbian settlement area in Germany) are classified under Lusatia (DD801.L851 through DD801.L872), no matter the language of the publication. Publications on either Upper or Lower Lusatia go into different call numbers (see second table below).

Sorbian publications on specific topics are entered under the main topic.

Table 1
Table 2

For a listing of classification numbers on language-related topics please consult the chapter Sorbian LC Classification Numbers for Literature and Language.

[submitted by Milan Pohontsch, July 2023]