Suggest a New Topic

The Slavic Cataloging Manual is a living resource and its editors welcome suggestions of new topics for the SCM to cover. Guidelines for submission are available on this page. Please contact the editorial team at with proposals. Further pieces of work already being considered are listed below. Please note that certain chapters from the pre-2.0 Manual were also deliberately left for future stages of work.

Cataloging Slavic music (description and subjects)

Chapter on academic degrees in different languages (in process)

Colophon data: information that appears in Russian and Eastern European colophons, and its meaning (in process)

Corporate bodies reference sources

Creating authorized access points for Soviet labor camps (emphasis on qualifiers)

False friends: homonyms and how they can impact subject access: for example, meaning of Classical literature in Western tradition and in Russia (only 19th century) (in process)

General Slavic Encyclopedias

Geographic Reference Books


Names of Slavic conferences: how to treat different words like “mezhdunarodnaia”, “nauchnaia”, etc. that appear either in conjunction with the conference name, or in the descriptive text (abstract, or introduction) (in process)

Personal Names Reference Sources

Poland as a geographic region, subject access points (in process)

Podpisano v pechat’ - date of publication not known, only information on the approximate date is the statement “Podpisano v pechat’”

Russian (Slavic?) cursive alphabet (in process)

Silesia (as a transnational region) (in process)