City of Newcastle Trails

Surprising pockets of green amidst the suburban sprawl

Hike Length: Lake Boren Loop 4 miles

Elevation Gain: 400 feet

Hike Difficulty: Easy

Maps: Green Trails "Cougar Mountain" #203S, or IATC Cougar Mountain. The City of Newcastle has a good trail map that you can download from their website (I've attached a link to this page, see below).

Revised 9/19/2021

Hikers and horses have created an extensive network of trails around the Newcastle area in past years. The bad news is that rapid suburbanization is destroying much of the old network; the good news is that the Newcastle city government is beginning to take an interest in protecting and enhancing the remaining trails. Newcastle is easy to reach via Metro 240, and there are enough good things to see to fill out a whole day. May Creek Canyon, protected by a King County park, is particularly beautiful.

Here's a map of the Newcastle trail system, courtesy of the City of Newcastle:,%20Trails%20and%20Other%20Recreation/TrailSystemMap_FigPTR-2_2019.10.29.pdf

More information on Newcastle parks and trails:

Lake Boren Park, City of Newcastle

Getting There

From downtown Seattle, ride Sound Transit 554 to Eastgate Park and Ride. Transfer to the southbound Metro 240 bus. The Metro 240 travels south out of Bellevue, then makes a slow, rambling traverse through suburban Newcastle. Get off at 129th Ave SE and Newcastle Way, near Newcastle’s small low-rise downtown business district which is clustered around the intersection of Coal Creek Parkway and Newcastle Way.

The Hike

Start by heading south on 129th Ave SE., which offers pleasant walking and little traffic. In a short half mile, just before the road passes the historic Newcastle Cemetery (no public access) go right (west) onto the Cross Town Trail. The trail climbs steeply up a wooded ravine, then levels out in a narrow green belt, where the trail crosses a gas line and power line right-of -way. From here the Olympus Trail heads south. Continue going west on the Cross Town Trail until it reaches SE 77th Court. Walk the street to 126 Ave SE; turn right and follow the avenue a short distance to SE 76th Court. Go left (west) and follow the court to its end. Just beyond the end of the court is a second, larger power line right- of-way, where the official Cross Town Trail goes right (north). To do the recommended loop, go left (south) along a trail following the power lines (marked "Horse Trail" on the official City of Newcastle map). Shortly, the trail rounds a fence encroaching onto the right-of-way, and reaches 80th St. Cross the street and continue heading south on the gated power line service road, the continuation of the Horse Trail.

The service road/ Horse Trail climbs over a hill with good views of Mount Rainier, then starts a sustained descent into the valley of May Creek. In a long half mile, just beyond the point where the road starts dropping steeply downhill, go right off the power line right-of-way onto an unmarked but prominent trail, which plunges down the hillside to SE May Creek Park Drive. Go right onto the road, which here makes a sharp curve in the valley of Sylvan Creek and then heads south. After a short distance, the road curves west, away from the power lines. Leave the main road here and walk on a paved driveway (124th Ave SE) that ends at a black steel gate. Continue walking on the gravel road beyond the gate. Signposts mark the the start of the May Creek Trail.

Go right onto the May Creek Trail , which offers fine scenery as it traverses the lushly forested slopes of the canyon on an old railroad grade. In this tranquil setting, the loudest sound is the soft rush of the creek flowing in the valley far below. The trail follows a historic railroad grade, the route that trains used to carry coal from the Cougar Mountain mines to Seattle. The railroad was completed in 1878 and soon provided coal for a booming Seattle as well as the entire west coast of the United States. For many years coal was Seattle’s largest industry, and the population around the Newcastle mines rivaled that of Seattle.

A half mile from the power line corridor, the trail leaves the railroad grade, climbs steps, and ends on a suburban street. The former railroad crossed May Creek on a huge trestle bridge at this point. Just before the steps, look for a steep, unsigned trail plunging down the slope to May Creek, which can be a difficult wade much of the year. May Creek is the second largest natural tributary of Lake Washington, the first being the Sammamish River (the Cedar River was diverted into the lake and is not a natural tributary).

After reaching the end of the May Creek Trail, return via the way you came back to the power line right-of-way. Continue walking east on the May Creek Trail--look for a signpost directing you toward Lake Boren Park. The trail crosses Sylvan Creek and heads past a house with a horse barn. Follow the trail a pleasant half mile to the Waterline Trail, a wide grassy strip.

Go left (north) onto the Waterline Trail, and follow it as is crosses two paved streets and passes by the west edge of developed Lake Boren Park, featuring lawns, picnic shelters, and restrooms. Just north of the park, the Waterline Trail ends on 129th Ave, which you can follow back to the hike’s starting point and Metro 240 bus stop

Trails connecting Newcastle to Cougar Mountain

A continuous greenbelt extends from Coal Creek Parkway all the way to Marshalls Hill in Cougar Mountain Regional Park. A great new trail, the East Cross Town Trail, traverses the greenbelt and leads into Cougar Mountain Park. See the chapter on the East Cross Town Trail for more information.

The Highlands Subdivision trails

The Highlands subdivision has its own trail system that is worth a visit. The main trail forms a lengthy loop around the subdivision. At the upper end of the loop trail, where it crosses a gated entrance drive to the subdivision, you are close to the start of the Terrace Trail- look on the hillside beyond a narrow paved road, 144 Place SE. Bus access is easy; there is a Metro 240 stop on Coal Creek Parkway, near the main entrance drive to The Highlands, SE 91st Street.

May Creek Trail extension to Coal Creek Parkway

Good news! The May Creek Trail is now complete all the way to Coal Creek Parkway. The new trail is a beauty as it traverses the lushly forest canyon of May Creek before coming to an end at Coal Creek Parkway near where it intersects May Valley Road. The Highlands trail system is easy to access from here.

Lake Boren

Getting Back

Catch the northbound Metro 240 bus anywhere on Coal Creek Parkway, and ride it to Eastgate Park and Ride. To get to downtown Seattle ,transfer to the Sound Transit 554 bus.