SEA Member
Shout Outs

The SEA includes dedicated professionals who serve a variety of functions and perform a number of responsibilities throughout the district. Staff members are constantly recognizing and praising students for their accomplishments, and we as an association want to do the same for our dedicated members. The SEA would like to recognize members regularly not only for the work they do with students, but also for their commitment and contributions to the association. 

To recognize these deserving members, nominate a SEA colleague through the below google form. Results will be published in the SEA Monthly Memo and posted here. 

There will also be a drawing from all the entries for a special prize! Let’s start honoring our deserving members! 

This month’s recognition is for Salem High School teacher:

Alicia Gilbert

Alicia works tirelessly to support students and staff members. She is always revising biology materials fit the needs of our students. Further, she is one of the advisors for the Salem Sustainability Club, which raises awareness in the community about living sustainably, puts on monthly clean ups around the town of Salem, and does an annual shoe and clothing drive.

Alicia's hard work serves every student in the district, as they all must take biology and therefore all reap the benefits of her revisions to the curriculum. The school property and town as a whole are a cleaner and more sustainable place as well.

Alicia has been an SEA member for a very long time. She always has the science department make a basket for the SEA scholarship fund. Alicia is also a mentor to new teachers and helps guide them to be effective teachers and involved SEA members. She is awesome! On behalf of your colleagues at the high school and your fellow SEA members, congratulations Alicia!