
The Salem Education Association (SEA)
Welcomes You!

The SEA is the professional organization representing 75% of the teachers in the Salem School District. The SEA serves many purposes, including negotiating teacher contracts and working conditions, representing and defending members in meetings and legal proceedings, and helping members understand their contracts & benefits. 

Members are also eligible for numerous discounts and benefits for things like travel, credit cards, insurance and phone plans. Please visit the NEA benefits page here for more information.

By joining together as a united front, we can support each other
and accomplish more than any of us ever could on our own. 

SEA Scholarship Recipients have been announced! 

Please visit out Scholarships page for more information

Congratulations to the recipients!

SEA Election Results are in!

Congratulations to the new reps!

Executive Board:

President: James Slobig

Secretary: Rachel Bartunek

Vice President: Tara Devine 

Treasurer: Michelle Martel

Building Representatives:


Melissa DiChiara

Sara Ducharme



Katelyn Gaynor

Colleen Mahoney 


Karen Ralston

Alisha Lupi 


North Salem

Heidi Jones

Maura Sullivan



Kellie Annicelli

Ashley Hildebrandt


Felicity Liebke 


Nicole Clegg 

Jacqueline Duane

Leah Kish

Bonnie Parker

Tricia Rowe

Sydney Tatoyian

Laura Thibodeau


High School

Kara Christesen

Ellyn Dugan

Maria Grzyb

Joe Liebke

Marran Lipscomb

Michael Pelosi

John Seeman

Stephen Sylvain

SEA President
Jim Slobig

May 2024

For many of us, late May brings thoughts of the end of the school year and the upcoming, well-deserved summer break. But this time of year also highlights student achievement. Consider where your students were at the end of August and compare their knowledge and skills to where they are now. Sure, some student struggled, but the overwhelming majority of them are far beyond where they were at the beginning of the year. This time of the year gets busy, so be sure to take a moment or two to reflect on the success that you have had on students this year. On June 7th, the Class of 2024 will graduate. Each of you has played a role in getting students to this moment, a noteworthy one in their lives so far. I encourage you to join many of your colleagues in recognizing the Class of 2024 at the ceremony. Whether you attend the graduation or not, be sure to take a bow for the role you played in each graduate’s journey. Even though we are in the proverbial “home stretch,” there’s still plenty of work to be done. The SEA continues to assist individual members and continues to address issues on both the building and district level. Let’s finish strong and go into the summer satisfied with the job we’ve done, then get energized for the fall.

In this issue:


Our negotiations team has already begun preparing for the fall. The visits to each school earlier this year provided a great foundation for the team’s strategy. We will also be following up with a survey to solicit even more feedback from members that will guide strategy. Remember, negotiations are not only about compensation. They include benefits and contract language as well. Gains in all of these areas are positive for the SEA. Fortunately, we have a fantastic negotiations team. Continue to help the process by responding to the upcoming survey and keeping in mind the potential gains not only in compensation, but in benefits and language as well.


One of the ongoing goals of SEA leadership is to inform and educate members of their rights and responsibilities. The idea is to empower individual members and entire staffs to advocate for themselves and their buildings. After all, addressing issues within the building first is the most effective and efficient what to mitigate problems. Building representatives in particular have truly stepped up in their role. The Executive Board would like to recognize reps for their tireless work this year, oftentimes in the face of challenges. Knowing our members are in good hands within their buildings is truly gratifying, as well as comforting. Be sure to take a moment and recognize your building reps. Of course, our committee chairs and SEA Leadership are always here to take on whatever is necessary. Remember to follow the protocols when you have something that needs to be addressed.

SEA Summer Work

In addition to preparing for the upcoming round of negotiations, SEA Leadership plans to spend time this summer advancing SEA related items. These include, but are certainly not limited to:

Building representatives will be contacting members to solicit their suggestions on these items. If there’s anything else you’d like association leadership to address, please let your building rep or the relevant committee chair know. We look forward to updating membership in the fall.

SEA Member Shout-Out

SEA members have an opportunity to recognize fellow members regularly not only for the work they do with students, but also for their commitment and contributions to the association. SEA members can identify a deserving colleague and nominate them through the google form posted on the SEA website. Results will be published in the SEA Monthly Memo and posted on the SEA website. The recipient will also receive prize! Let’s continue to honor our deserving members! This is ongoing. In fact, we urge you to take some time and help us recognize a deserving colleague.

Click the link to the nomination form here.

This month’s recognition is for Salem High School science teacher Alicia Gilbert.

Alicia works tirelessly to support students and staff members. She is always revising biology materials fit the needs of our students. Further, she is one of the advisors for the Salem Sustainability Club, which raises awareness in the community about living sustainably, puts on monthly clean ups around the town of Salem, and does an annual shoe and clothing drive.

Alicia's hard work serves every student in the district, as they all must take biology and therefore all reap the benefits of her revisions to the curriculum. The school property and town as a whole are a cleaner and more sustainable place as well.

Alicia has been an SEA member for a very long time. She always has the science department make a basket for the SEA scholarship fund. Alicia is also a mentor to new teachers and helps guide them to be effective teachers and involved SEA members. She is awesome! On behalf of your colleagues at the high school and your fellow SEA members, congratulations Alicia!

Miscellaneous Items

On behalf of the SEA Executive Board and SEA leadership, I hope you all have a smooth end to your school year and a fantastic summer break. Best to all of you!

SEA President

Memos from past months can be found here


We have been encouraging this for some time now.  In fact, this is just good, professional practice.  Documenting is particularly important if you are being asked to satisfy responsibilities that may take you beyond your contract hours or job description, if you are involved in a situation that demands compliance, or if you are dealing with student behavior that may be increasingly problematic.  With documentation, the association will be in a much better position to support you if necessary.  Instead of just stating a problem or issue, when we have specific information and examples, we are in a much better position to get results—and specific information is always requested.   Keep comprehensive and specific notes that highlight the situation and your involvement.

NEA-Member Benefits

References to these benefits has been a part of most of the previous SEA Monthly Memos.  However, we want to pay particular attention to these benefits this month.  Members of SEA Leadership have attended presentations where specific information on these benefits have been provided.  The student loan forgiveness program alone is worth reviewing.  At a recent presentation, a local association highlighted that one of their members was able to get more than $130, 000 in federal student loans forgiven.  Of course, there’s also information on savings for buying cars, vacations, cruises, tickets, and many, many more savings.  In fact, you could accumulate YEARS of membership dues by taking advantage of these deals.  Click HERE to see how much money you might be able to save.

·       Complimentary Life Insurance—In addition to the aforementioned benefits, the NEA provides a complimentary $1,000 life insurance policy.  You are encouraged to check your beneficiary or identify your beneficiary for this benefit.  Log in to member benefits or create an account (use the link above).  Once in, click Resources Life Insurance Protection Name Your Beneficiary. 



Always keep in mind how important communication is to our ability to address issues.  Make sure someone is aware.  Consult the flowchart mentioned above and speak to a building representative.  Once we’re aware, issues will be addressed through the most effective and efficient channels available. 

Code of Conduct Notice

Please consider taking the time to read through the Code of Conduct from the NH DOE.  

A copy of the it can be found by clicking HERE.

It is also on the Files and Downloads page. 

Locate your state and congressional representatives and share your views through our Legislative Action Center.