SEALS XXX (2021)
Program & Presentations

Welcome to SEALS 2021. This year the regular in-person conference remains suspended due to the pandemic. In its place, we are hosting a video-only SEALS, which is accessible to all and will stand indefinitely.

Talks, abstracts, and supplemental materials for SEALS 2021 are listed below with links to the files. For the best video experience we recommend that you watch the videos via the YouTube playlist links above each grouping below or simply click the YouTube link after each talk title. Alternately you can click on the talk titles, these link through to files in a Google Drive folder (in some cases these are higher resolution but may take longer to load).

As you enjoy the talks, if you note any broken, missing, or faulty links, please advise us at <>.

Welcome and Introduction

SEALS 2022 Hawaii Information


Keynote Talk

Historical Linguistics - YouTube Playlist

Language and Society - YouTube Playlist

Morphology/Lexicon - YouTube Playlist

Phonetics/Phonology - YouTube Playlist