SEALS XXX (2021)

SEALS XXX (2021)

In place of an interactive conference, SEALS 2021 consists of online video presentations with linked materials.  All videos are open access, and will remain online indefinitely.   Click here for the Program and Presentations.

 Presenters will also be given the opportunity to have their articles published in a JSEALS Special Publication, provisionally titled: "Proceedings of SEALS 2021". 

A virtual (ZOOM) SEALS Business meeting is expected to be held in early June.

Announcement: Keynote Presentation

SEALS 2021 will feature a keynote presentation by Marc Miyake "The prehistory of Pyu".

Marc Miyake is a specialist in reconstructing the phonologies of ancient Asian languages. His main interests are the languages and scripts of the Pyu, Tangut, Jurchen, and Khitan. He blogs about those languages and many others at He has published Old Japanese: A Phonetic Reconstruction (Routledge, 2003) and is working on the first monograph in English about the Pyu language (De Gruyter, forthcoming). 

Abstract Review Finalized

The process of ranking and approved 45 talks.

Those with approved abstracts register at a cost of $20 USD per abstract. Payments are to be made via PayPal to <seals.executive [at]>. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can be issued with an invoice that can be paid by credit card (VISA/MC). Please select USD as currency of payment.

Participation Certificates

Registrants who require a Certificate of Participation need to request these from the organizers. One certificate will be issued per registration paid.

Video Presentations

Registrants are invited to submit their 10~20 minute video presentation by 30 April at the latest.

A DropBox folder is provided for upload. The upload link is sent by email and not announced publicly on this site.

Videos can be in any style (e.g. conventional talks, slides, animated.... ). It is requested that you provide videos in MP4 or FLV format (these are the formats typically output by screencasting applications). Other formats may be accepted as long as they open and play in popular browsers such as Chrome or Edge on the PC. Please test your video on a PC, before uploading). Videos should be kept under 250 Mb size.

All videos go live simultaneously on  Tuesday, 1 June 2021, and will be available to all as an open-access channel on this site, and on YouTube. Handouts and other relevant documentation can be linked to videos. Videos will remain online indefinitely.


All participants will also be invited to submit a 10-to-20 page write-up of their talks for formal publication in the proceedings volume, which will be an E-publication in JSEALS through the University of Hawaii Press. As a conference volume, the papers will be subject only to internal review by the SEALS executive committee and not blind peer-review (i.e. these will not be fully reviewed JSEALS research articles). Authors will be required to format papers to a .DOCX template: no other format will be accepted.

The following timeline is anticipated:

1st drafts in by: 16 July 20211st
Feedback to authors by: 1 September 2021
Finals drafts in: 1 December 2021
Publication: 31 January 2022


Enquiries can be directed by email to seals.executive [at]