2_0.   Guidelines 2018


* Must not be a native speaker of the Japanese language. 

* Must be a resident of San Diego or surrounding areas. 

* Must currently be enrolled in high school or college/university in San Diego County. (enrollment in the Japanese program is not necessarily mandatory as long as the student is currently registered at high school or college.)

* Must not have had more than 6 months of schooling in Japan after age six.

* Must not have been raised in a Japanese-speaking household. 


      * Should be between 3-4 minutes in length, and must not be shorter than three minutes, not longer than five minutes.

             * Choice of topic is open.

             * Must be original and written by the contestant himself/herself.

Please move on to  Application Form and follow the instructions carefully. 


Judges will base their decisions on content and presentation of speech. There will be short interviews in Japanese with the judges after each speech presentation. The contestants with highest total points awarded by the judges will be the winners. The first place winner of each category (high school and college categories) will also be the winners of the Consul General Special Award.


If you have any questions regarding the judging criteria, please do not hesitate to ask the committee at SDJSCC@gmail.com

San Diego Japanese Speech Contest Committee

ATTN: Tachibana, Chair

P. O. Box 28884, San Diego, CA 92198

Contest Email: SDJSCC@gmail.com