B. 8) Feedback

Send your feedback or photos to sdjsc2016@gmail.com .

Official photos and videos will take some time, but they will be up. Till then!



This year's 19th annual San Diego Japanese Speech Contest was really fun! I heard many wonderful speeches. I also enjoyed the music performances. Although I was really nervous when I was presenting my speech, I'm glad I came. Also, I made many new friends. Next year, I definitely plan on participating again!

from Jacalyn Li

Thank you Jacalyn, we would love to see you come back !!


I went to San Diego Japanese Contest today and I had a wonderful experience there. I could see how each contestant worked hard to prepare for the speech before when they fluently and bravely presenting their contents. Everyone had a different background and opportunity to study Japanese, which introduced new knowledge to listeners and judges who are Japanese native speakers. Someone talked about studying Hebrew language; someone shared his or her experience working in Japanese restaurant. There were more contestants topics worth discussing and reflecting. Thanks to this experience, I made friends with many contestants so that we could improve Japanese together. What a sweet day today!


Reported by Yujia Zhai

Thank you Yujia, for giving us a helping hand today! Your work was truly appreciated by Lyle, our camera man since 2010. Thank you for being in our volunteer team. We look forward to working with you next year too!!