Release Notes


January 2018

    • Usage report

      • Add graphical usage display by month

      • Add graphical usage display by day for the current month

    • Fix Iframe embedding code rare loading issue


December 2017

    • Improve view search in the Awesome Table view listing

    • Fix user login process

    • Gantt: add keywords for more flexibility

      • GanttGroup

      • GanttLabel

      • GanttStartDate

      • GanttEndDate

    • User report dashboards: allow to consult Awesome Table usage

November 2017

    • SlideShow: new SlideContent keyword to insert HTML template in the slides

    • Advanced Summary: fix BIAggregate keyword when used in the first displayed column

    • Gantt: add option to group rows by label

October 2017

    • Improved error messages to help resolving settings or connection issue

    • New tool menu with actions to:

      • Clear all filters

      • Open the view with current filters settings set in the URL

      • Print the view

      • Download the data as Comma Separated Values (if checked in the view's settings)

    • Fix Table pagination arrows on Safari and IE11

    • Use spreadsheets from a Team Drive

    • Cards view: it does not load all cards at once anymore

September 2017

    • New print page: exemple

    • Add ?debug parameter to the page URL to help diagnose connection issue

    • Upgrade to Polymer 2

    • Fix issues with old Chrome versions

August 2017

    • First version of usage reports for domains

    • Allow 'hot-reloading' an Awesome Table

July 2017

    • Update and speed up the Advanced Summary view

    • Allow flexible filter and chart layout: filters can be on the left side of the view

    • Improve csvFilter and categoryFilter

      • now sorts numerical values (1, 10) correctly

      • Show number of results for each items

June 2017

May 2017

April 2017

March 2017

    • Introducing the Template gallery to easily create new views

    • New documentation:

    • New in-view Column type keyword:

      • ImageType: Specify that this column hold images URL and automatically insert image's preview

      • HyperlinkType: Insert a link on a text column

February 2017

January 2017

    • BI view

      • Allows non ASCII chars in the word cloud

      • Increase word size difference

    • Fix to increase view compatibility for IE11 and Firefox <45


- Year in review

December 2016

    • Added cache on every views (new Dataflow).

    • Use Google Drive picker to select the source spreadsheet.

    • Changed Maps view to scroll only on focus.

November 2016

    • Fixes on the new site.

    • Fixes on the Spreadsheet authentication flow.

    • Fix dates display in the csvFilter and CategoryFilter.

October 2016

      • Use web components.

      • Provide a fully responsive website for mobile.

    • Big fixes and adaptation to the new Spreadsheet authentication flow:

      • it now correctly uses multi-account browsing sessions.

      • Quicker logging.

September 2016

    • Fixed internal issues

August 2016

    • Publication in the Google Apps Marketplace

    • New authentication flow to adapt for Google Spreadsheet change in security behavior

    • Fix legacy Google Site behavior (auto-replace space by a '+' in HTML links) in preset filters:

    • use &#32; to replace a space (e.g.: &filterB=some&#32;fruits ).

    • Fix DateFilter issues with data containing strings

June 2016

May 2016

    • New Awesome Table logo !

    • Use Google Visualization static loader for a better control on versions

    • Visuals fixes (Table view) to compensate for new Google Visualization version

April 2016

March 2016

    • View's owner can now transfer ownership to an editor.

    • Improved error detection when user accessing the Awesome Table does not have the spreadsheet access: it immediately displays the error screen.

    • Fixed error screen.

    • Fixed issue with csvFilter

February 2016

    • New design

    • Clearer behavior when a copy of a view is made from the Awesome Table Gadget

    • General loading time improvement

    • The Awesome Table Terms of Service are available here

January 2016

    • Fixes on the numberRangeFilter and dateFilter

      • restored pre-set filter URL link

    • Improved the Error message when a view is broken, giving more informations and help

    • Fixes on the Cards view

      • In some case, an error message appeared without any effect


December 2015

    • Complete re-writing of the dateFilter

      • touch friendly

      • more display formats for the dates

    • Complete re-writing of the numberRangeFilter

      • touch friendly

      • enable direct input

      • enable decimal entry

      • don't filter out non-numeric entry by default

November 2015

    • Complete re-writing of the csvFilter

      • now it's a native filter

      • suppression of all of the previous issues


      • many improvement of the user experience

      • added possibility to copy a view

    • Geochart view

      • changed the tooltip display to appear on click

October 2015

    • New major version of Awesome Table

      • view sharing

      • view suppression

      • edit button on the site view page

      • import existing gadget view into

      • Gadget configuration view updated

      • Gadget authentication on

    • BI view

      • fixes for the tables, they now use the correct width

July 2015

    • Complete re-writing of the cards view

      • Responsive design as major keywords

      • Use of the flex-box instead of tables

      • Native integration with the Google Visualization API

    • Bugs fixes

      • Auto re-sizing on images loading

      • Templates now can be applied on a numeric column

Mai 2015

    • Launch of : a dedicated website to easily configure Awesome Table views.

    • Evolution of the template

      • <style> : allow direct CSS insertion from the spreadsheet

      • <script> : allow direct JavaScript insertion from the spreadsheet

      • global (no header) : allow direct HTML insertion as first body child from the spreadsheet

    • Quick loading of public spreadsheet (avoid redirection)

April 2015

    • Bug fixes

      • Row direct link (q=&c=)

        • this parameter now uses decodeURIComponent()

        • added support for Map view and combined Map&Table view

      • Cards view & csvFilter : page browsing fixed

      • Map view & csvFilter : filtering now works as intended

      • csvFilter : Now use an exact match ('sales' doesn't match 'sales department')

    • Correction of the Gantt view dynamic re-sizing

    • Custom Error message

February 2015

    • Bugs fixes to match Google Visualization API v41

    • Simplification of the custom CSS file

    • Added an auto-sizing on window.onresize event

January 2015

    • Added a new Maps view with marker clustering ability, more than 400 markers can now be displayed. This feature was sponsored by Holcim

    • New option to display simultaneously a maps view and a table

    • Improved settings view, with the new ability to place the filters, chart and map like you want

    • Bug fixes

      • the Gantt view is now re-sized dynamically

      • the sort setting behave now like intended, and is retained when filtering and page changes

      • cvsFilter can now be used without adding another filter


December 2014

    • Ability to create direct links to filtered views (demo)

October 2014

    • Templates lets you easily create beautiful visualizations of your data (blogpost) that load very fast.

    • Better rendering on mobile devices

June 2014

    • New design for the standard table view, more consistent with design of Google Apps products

May 2014

  • StringFilter, CategoryFilter and csvFilter are now prettier if you use the keyword "insideFilter" as caption.

    • Improvements on BI view (2x faster)

March 2014

    • Row-level permissions through a Google Apps Script "proxy" (documentation)

February 2014

    • New view available: GeoChart view (demo)

    • Awesome Table is compatible with the new version of Google Sheet

January 2014

    • Settings in Awesome Table are now available in 13 languages (English, French, Russian, Italian, Hebrew, Español, Portuguese(Brazil), Dutch (Nederlands), Norwegian, हिन्दी, Deutsch (German), Japanese (日本語) & Czech (čeština))

    • Awesome Table is promoted by Google and can be found in the featured section of the Google Sites gadget gallery

    • Edit entries displayed with Awesome Table through Google Form (demo)


December 2013

    • New view available: Cards view (demo)

    • The settings page is now way more user-friendly, with a Bootstrap UI.

November 2013

    • New view available: BI view / Advanced "Summary of responses" for Google Forms (demo)

    • Word Clouds added in BI view

  • New filter available: csvFilter

September 2013

    • New view available: Gantt chart view (demo)

    • Ability to use your own CSS file to change the look of your Awesome Table view (demo)

    • Ability to create direct links to specific results (eg. if you're using the gadget to create a people directory you can build urls to quickly access each profile)

June 2013

May 2013

    • Dependent category filters are now available (eg: a list of countries and a list of cities. When you select a specific country, only the related cities are displayed in the dependent filter).

April 2013

    • New view available: Sidebar view (example with a People directory)

    • Added a connector to Google Analytics to track clicks on an Awesome Table view (eg you display a list of links, you can track the number of clicks on each link - see tutorial on

March 2013

    • Columns of the spreadsheet can be hidden from view using the "Hidden" keyword.

February 2013

    • Added ability to download data displayed in Awesome Table as csv.

    • A documentation for Awesome Table is available, first draft courtesy of Solvay.

January 2013

  • New filter available: DateFilter

    • People can use an Apps Script code in combination with Awesome Table to display a list of files from Google Drive with metadata (see video tutorial)


November 2012

February 2012