Scripps Honors '69 Classmates

At the Class of '69 45th reunion in 2014, Scripps honored Marga Rose Hancock as Volunteer of the Year.
At Reunion 2010, Scripps honored the achievements of two members of the Class of 1969, Dr. C. Gaye Burpee and Sue Talbot.  Their classmates sent congratulations delivered on campus May 1, 2010, as assembled by Elllie David and copied below.

* Dr. C. Gaye Burpee, scholar and advocate for Third World communities, innovating and applying the Integral Human Development approach in her work for food security and self-sufficiency around the globe; and author (with Kim Wilson) of The Resilient Family Farm: Supporting Agricultural Development and Rural Economic Growth (June 2004) and Filling the Blue Box: Mutuelles, Self-financing and Financial Services in the South of Tahiti, received the 2010 Distinguished Alumna Award.
* Sue Talbot, long involved in volunteer activities serving student and alumnae interests as a member of the Alumnae/Student Diversity Committee and the Scripps Diversity Coordinating Committee, received the 2010 Volunteer of the Year Award.

                                                        Cheers! Kudos! Hurrahs! And classy good wishes to

Gaye Burpee and Sue Talbot

Scripps Class of 1969

Congratulations to you, Sue and Gaye, on your accomplishments in making our world a better place to live!

What valuable contributions you have each made to our community locally and our planet globally.

Your motivation to improve the world and the way we relate to one another in a more personal way, Susan, has set an example for all of us. Thank you for making your actions speak louder than words and standing up for your beliefs.

Gaye, your work to personalize and improve family farm food production worldwide, to understand and connect with Third World communities, their challenges and successes has made a tremendous difference and benefited people in lands far from home.

Kudos to you both and good luck continuing with your exceptional work!

With love,

-Toni Williams Graeber   


What great advocates you both are for the future and for the world.

Wish I could be there but I live in the furthest-most corner of Shasta County! It's a wonderful 21st Century because of both of you!

All sixty-niners hold your banner high high high!

- Charla Connelley Shadduck


Dear Gaye and Sue,

How wonderful that you both are being honored! Sue, I remember our days at Scripps and Montecito Sequoia—so many adventures!  Thank you both for accomplishing so much and representing our class so beautifully.  I wish I could be there to celebrate with you!  If either of you ever travel to Maine, please visit!

With great joy and respect,

- Susan Savell


Gaye, Congratulations on your excellent work. We are very proud of you.

Sue, Way to go, Girl!  The honor is well deserved.

- Merrily Smith Haas


Congratulations to both Gaye and Sue on their awards.  I appreciate the work you are doing to make this world a better place.

- Ann Woodson Laffin


Hey Sue

Yea you.  I’m proud to have been a good buddy of you back then when your leadership and power and love were youthful and flamboyant, and congratulate you now on getting recognition.  Sorry not to be down in sunny California, but happy for you.  If you come up here, come stay with me!

- Ellen (Trescher) Haas


Dear Sue, dear Gaye:

Please imagine a bunch of Scripps Class of 1969 sisters around the world raising a toast (or perhaps imbibing a controlled substance) in your honor, even if not attending today's celebration on campus to raise a cheer in person.  

Let us posit that our time together as students, as the world shifted mightily around us, set us off with courage, confidence, and hope to make a difference -- each in her own way.  And let us believe that your own splendid examples, elevated by this latest recognition from Scripps, encourage others to proceed bravely along their own chosen paths.  Hip Hippie Hooray, give peace a chance, and keep on truckin'!

- Marga Rose Hancock


Susan and Gaye,

Congratulations on your awards.  So exciting that members of the infamous class of 1969 are receiving well-deserved recognition.

Sorry I won't be there to witness the event in person but I will be there in Spirit.


- Ann Merrill Westaway


Dear Gaye and Sue,

I just love this! Scripps honoring you two in the same year reminds me how many things are right in this world—and that wonderful women like you make a lot of them happen.

Thanks for bringing reflected honor to the class of 1969 with your good work, strong beliefs, and generous spirit.

I’d be woo-hooing loudly if I were at the awards convocation. Please know that we ’69ers are excited for you and proud of you.


- Ellie David


To: Dr. Gaye Burpee and Sue Talbot

We are so proud to be fellow classmates with both of you!  Keep up your good work! And all best wishes to you both!

- Shelley Smith Calabrese


Dear Gaye, Congratulations. You have come a long way since Toll Hall Days. I can't wait to get your books to read!

Dear Sue, Thank you for being our volunteer extraordinaire.  

To you both, it is wonderful to see our classmates making a difference in our world.

- Lucy Jones Stevens


I was sorry to know that I'd miss the honoring of our wonderful Scripps sisters (twins, if you will, as we're the same class). Would have loved to be there to see you smile and accept the honors and gratitude so well deserved. I send my best love and a huge hug. I'm so proud of you, Talbot and Gaye. Wow. 

- Margi Riles Murray
