Speed Racer

Welcome to the SpeedRacer page. In this activity we will learn how to use Scratch and how to control the speed of our cars.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Complete the online survey about speed

  2. Create a new Scratch project

  3. Create a background that is a racing track (top view)

  4. Change Sprite1 to a car

  5. Create a script to turn your car left and right with the arrow keys

  6. Create a script that starts the car moving forward when the green flag is clicked

  7. Test your game

  8. Change the speed of your car with the up and down arrows (add a variable)

  9. EXTRA: Measure the time and distance it takes to go all the way around the track - calculate your average speed.

More Scratch Motion

shortcut to this http://bit.ly/scratchmotion

Here is an example speed racer project