Dayna Rubin

Author of: Code of Siman

Profile/Summary: Dayna has worked within the optical field for over twenty years, devoting her time away from her career to writing short stories and novels. She also contributes to published newsletters and self-interest articles. As a married mother of three, she currently lives in the Chicago area where she enjoys reading, crafting, painting, knitting, golfing, gardening and spending time with her family.

Writing style: Mystery

Audience: Adult

Fun fact: I was born in the small town of Loves Park, Illinois, where my mother walked with the neighborhood women and their children peeked out at the world from their strollers or carriages. Their husbands, including my father, walked to work with their boxed lunches to save money on gas and wear and tear on the car. A little luxury and a wonderful past time of my parents was to pile us all into the car to drive around while singing at the top of our little lungs to the radio, then -- when we didn't think it could get any better -- we would be rewarded with ice cream cones. I moved away as a child and have lived in many states, but, now that I've returned home to Illinois, the culmination of all that I've seen, all that I've known flows out from my pen. In the years my family has lived here, I still go for drives, take in the beauty of the farms as the light glints on the surface of the fields, buy those ice cream cones for my children and let my imagination spark to life. For this, the love for my parents and my hometown, is the inspiration for my books, for my painting and for my life.