Our lab is committed to develop and share open source code with the international scientific community. All material can be requested at the cost of an email to Annalisa Scimemi (scimemia@gmail.com). We kindly request that you cite the appropriate primary references when using these tools.


  • NRN-EZ: application to streamline NEURON simulations

Ref: Cobb et al, 2022 - bioRxiv bioRxiv


  • Simulation code to measure synaptic and extrasynaptic glutamate receptor activation at synapses of different size

Ref: Gavrilov et al, 2018 - Front Cell Neurosci 12:248 PubMed


  • Analysis code to derive the time course of glutamate clearance from synaptically-activated and UV flash uncaging-evoked transporter currents

Ref: Scimemi & Diamond, 2013 - J Vis Exp 78 PubMed


  • Simulation code for calcium ion diffusion in pre-synaptic terminals

Ref: Scimemi & Diamond, 2012 - J Neurosci 32(50):18157-76 PubMed


  • Analysis code for synaptic currents recorded in patch-clamp electrophysiology experiments

Ref: Scimemi et al, 2012 - J Neurosci 32(50):18157-76 PubMed

Ref: Scimemi et al, 2009 - J Neurosci 30(29): 9954-6 PubMed


  • Video tracking software (M-Track)

Step-by-step instructions and free download from our GitHub repository

Ref: Reeves et al, 2016 - PLOS Comp Bio 12(9) PubMed

Ref: Scimemi et al, 2013 - J Neurosci 33(12): 5312-8 PubMed

Ref: Scimemi et al, 2009 - J Neurosci 30(29): 9954-6 PubMed