Hen party fun in Somerset, Bath and Bristol

Are you looking for a fabulous and glamourous activity for your hen party or baby shower?

If you are looking for giggles, good music and an accessible activity for all of your friends, why not book me to teach a specially tailored dance class at your hen party? 

I travel all over the South West UK, in Somerset, Bristol, Bath and Dorset, making sure ladies have a great time, dancing together  and building confidence.

Bellydance and burlesque lessons for a memorable girls' night

I can teach either bellydance or burlesque in a simple format that means everyone can get dancing and enjoying themselves from the outset.

Bellydance parties for adults and children

If you are looking for a gentle, family friendly class to inject a little sparkle into your occasion, book me for a bellydance party package. I'll help you master the basics of Raqs Sharqui and have you dancing from start to finish. Kids are welcome to come along and join in. Most levels of physical capability can be catered for.

Be a burlesque diva

Learn to strut your stuff, pose and peel! This class is a little more risque and a riot for saucy hen party divas. I'll help you get your sass on and master classic pin up poses. You'll learn to tease with glove and stocking peels and dance with a boa.

Call now and reserve your party date 07827 336 814

The complete party package

Whichever dance style you choose, I will provide 90 minutes of entertainment and great music with prices starting as low as £10 per person. This includes a fabulous party gift for the guest of honour.

I can come to your home, or an outside venue and I am happy to assist with sourcing and booking a venue if need be.

If you have more individual requirements, call me and I'll tailor something just for you.