Jan 2015

http://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2014/12/22/jackley-put-pimps-sex-offender-registry-fix-fraudulent-raffles/20767265/ - South Dakota Attorney General wants to legalize scanners


Feb 2015

Tewksbury MA - scannerist leads police to perp who had just stabbed 2 people


April 2015

Gresham Oregon - scannerist almost catches murderer


Sept 2015

Winchester Virginia - scannerist helps officer in trouble

http://www.wsmv.com/story/30082360/teens-arrested-for-armed-robbery-of-man-in-hermitage - Hermitage TN - - scannerist posted perps descriptions to Facebook, and a neighbor spotted the perps


October 2015

http://braintree.wickedlocal.com/article/20151019/NEWS/151016081 - Braintree Mass - scannerist busts burglar