http://abc7chicago.com/news/children-rescued-from-roof-of-burning-home/454332/ - 2 scannerists in Chicago save 2 people from a house fire - the 2 guys worked for a board up service - I think it is very fair to say that they would have never made the rescues if the Chicago FD radio channels were encrypted

http://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/18876 - Even Australian Fire Departments are now providing official scanner feeds

http://www.emsworld.com/news/11784903/scanner-listeners-connect-people-to-emergencies - Beloit Wisconsin - big story about scannerists, Facebook, Twitter, news media, breaking news, police, openness, etc. This news story gives a very good overview of the state of the art regarding scanners and sharing information with the public

Chicago Police sued for illegaly listening to cellphones - Dec 2014 - Broadcastify caught CPD radio traffic

Scannerists find San Diego County fire radio problem - Dec 2014

http://wnep.com/2014/11/13/hill-section-robbery-suspect-nabbed/ - robber was in a bar - the bar owner heard his description on a scanner, and alerted police - Scranton Pennsylvania

http://www.stltoday.com/news/multimedia/special/darren-wilson-s-radio-calls-show-fatal-encounter-was-brief/html_79c17aed-0dbe-514d-ba32-bad908056790.html - Ferguson MO - I think this radio tape was provided by a scannerist

Wiles Barre PA - shooter bagged by scannerist

Burglar busted - March 2014

Feb 2014 - Queens bank robber busted

Jan 2014 - Chicago college kids run breaking news service - for the University of Chicago area