http://fff.org/explore-freedom/article/forgotten-lessons-from-the-d-c-sniper-rampage/ - news media used their scanners to help bust the DC Snipers


m: zerg90@...

Date: Sat Jun 22, 2002 7:25pm

Subject: Score 1 For a MA Scannerist hithel

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This was posted to the sme2 list (Eastern Massachusetts)

Date: Fri, Jun 21, 2002, 5:56pm

To: sme2@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [sme2] Man listening to police scanner helps cops catch suspect

Reply to: sme2@yahoogroups.com

In this evenings Lowell Sun there is an article about a man in Pelham NH

(just to the north of Lowell) who was monitoring his police scanner and

heard the description of a wanted suspect. About 2 hours later the man

listening to the radio saw a person matching the description of the bolo

and [it] ended up being the suspect and he was taken into custody be the

Pelham NH PD on domestic charges.

Just think - if Pelham NH was on digital like so many other communities,

this suspect could still be out there causing harm. Good Job scanner


This article was only in the print edition or I would of posted a link.
