Recognition Levels

This is a copy of the information directly out of the September 2012 updated Guild Charter, which you can find in the Yahoo Group files.

Guild members may attain recognized levels of experience within the Guild. Participation in the recognition system is on a voluntary basis. Recognition in the Guild is not a requirement for membership nor is it a prerequisite for teaching classes. It does not bear any precedence. The four recognition levels are listed below.

· Novice - Any person who demonstrates an interest in becoming involved with promoting herbalism within the Kingdom of Meridies will be initiated into the Guild at this rank. Members applying for this recognition level should have completed a minimum of two of the following items with an herbal focus: teaching, entering Arts & Sciences competitions, hosting informational events or demonstrations, or attending classes. Members should submit a list to the Herb Guild Steward describing their activity. Novices are associated with the herb ginger, as their attitude towards learning should be lively and vigorous at this level.

The higher recognition levels may be attained by demonstrating knowledge of period herbalism amongst the following four categories:

Ø Culinary

Ø Cosmetic

Ø Medicinal

Ø Dyes

· Strewer - A person who demonstrates general knowledge of the cultivation and uses of herbs prior to 1600. A strewer should be able to identify and show general knowledge of 6 herbs from 2 of the above categories. Strewers should have participated in a minimum of 3 activities promoting herbalism to the populace. Strewers are associated with the herb dandelion, as this is a common herb known to many but requires a basic knowledge to work with.

· Sage - A person who demonstrates extensive knowledge of the cultivation and uses of herbs prior to 1600. A sage should be able to identify and show extensive knowledge of 12 herbs from 3 of the above categories. Sages are required to have taught one herbal themed class and to have participated in four activities promoting herbalism to the populace. Sages are associated with the herb of the same name valued for its medicinal, culinary and cosmetic uses. Sage has come to mean someone whose wisdom is based on sound judgement gained through experience.

· Elder - A person who is not only a sage, but is experienced and knowledgeable enough to teach advanced herbal classes.. Effort should be made to qualify to teach one of the required classes from the RUM Graduate Botanical Studies Degree. An elder should have knowledge of at least 24 herbs, at least 6 from each of the 4 named categories, and must maintain active teaching status by teaching a minimum of one class annually. Elders are associated with the valuable elder tree, as this plant’s bark, leaves, flowers, and fruit has uses in the four categories above and take considerable effort and knowledge to master.

The Steward and at least one other Guild member may award the novice recognition level. Arrangements to apply for each recognition level above novice may be made through the Steward. To attain a recognition level members are to submit papers demonstrating the knowledge required for each level. The application should also contain an herbal resume listing activities promoting herbalism to the populace such as entering A&S projects, participating in demonstrations and presentations, a description of classes taught by the applicant If an applicant would like to include presentations, demonstrations, submit medieval herbal products or other evidence of knowledge as part of their application, every effort will be made to gather a panel to review these items at a future event. Papers and applications will be reviewed by two or more members of the Order of the Velvet Owl, Order of the Laurel or experts in the field of herbalism.