
The Herbal Guild of Meridies is an open association of people interested in the uses of herbs in a medieval context within the Society for Creative Anachronism. We are located in the Kingdom of Meridies, which covers the mundane states of Georgia, the panhandle of Florida, Tennessee, Alabama and a small part of Kentucky. Our focus is collecting and sharing information on all aspects of herbs in a historical context within the strictures set by the SCA including medicinal, culinary, household, medieval gardening and the modern horticulture of period herbs.

If you are interested in getting active with the Herbal Guild in Meridies, you can Find us on Facebook.

You can also view our public-facing web presence on Facebook at this Page:

Herb Guild of Meridies

To be a member of the guild, you merely must have interest in doing so. There are no requirements. Simply join and participate at your own pace. The Facebook Group and Yahoo email list are used for posting announcements, book reviews, research questions, support for A&S projects, and for people interested in joining the Herbal Guild of Meridies.

This is the proposed new Web Page for the Herbal Guild of Meridies of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA). The maintainer of this page is Aranwen of Willow Ford. It is not a corporate publication of the SCA. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page, the conflict will be decided in favor of the printed version.

With permission, graphics on this page are from Stephen Greyhawkes and Aranwen of Willow Ford.

NOTE: Non-SCA Site Links Within

All external links where noted are not a part of the Meridies Herbal Guild web site. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA, Inc. is not responsible for content outside of this website.