News and Events

Please scroll down to view the News & Events being held in the Village Hall.

If you have an event at Sarratt Village Hall and would like it included in this section please contact Larry Griffiths on 01923 265386.

 Sarratt Care Coffee Corner (aka Care Coffee)

 TRANSPORT TO APPOINTMENTS:   To arrange for a driver please ring 270577.

 MEALS-ON-WHEELS: Operating Monday to Friday.   If you would like to receive them please ring Clare Bennett on 260594 (office hours only).

  SARRATT COMMUNITY LUNCHES: (aka CARE lunch) -  This is held monthly in the village hall at 12.30 pm. All welcome - please see this month's date in Spotlight.

 OTHER ENQUIRIES or PROBLEMS: Please ring Jacky Creed on 519975 (between 10am and 11am Monday to Friday, or leave a message on her answering machine).

 COFFEE CORNER/TREATMENTS: Treatments in the Village Hall.   Care Coffee is normally held fortnightly on Wednesdays in the front hall. All welcome - just drop in for coffee and homemade cakes 10.30 -12.00, plus make appointments in advance for Chiropody, Hairdressing or Massage - please see this month's dates and telephone numbers in Spotlight. The picture below shows the front hall all ready for Care Coffee: 


Sarratt Horticultural Society

The 'Horti' holds two shows a year - spring and autumn - as well as various meetings and outings. A must for all garden lovers!

A recent spring show -----


 Sunday Markets - on the 3rd Sunday of each month (except January and August), from 10am to noon.

Dates this year are --

16th February 2025

16th March 2025

20th April 2025

18th May 2025

15th June 2025

20th July 2025

21st September 2025

19th October 2025

16th November 2025

21st  December 2025

These are a mix of Craft Fair and Table Top sale, and stalls sell crafts, produce, cakes, plants and bric-a-brac. Teas and coffees with home-made cake are also on sale. Enquiries to Larry on 01923 265386.

This picture shows one of the markets in full swing:


The Arts Society Rickmansworth (TASR) lectures

These are always held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and visitors are most welcome - meet at 10:30 for coffee and the lectures start at 11 am.More details can be found on the website:

Sarratt and District U3A

Meet at the Hall for their main meeting once a month and group meetings at other times. -

Marcel Antique Fairs

These are usually on the second Sunday of each month - 9.30am to 4pm

As well as Antiques, light meals and refreshments are also available.

More details at  

Village Hall Quiz Night in January

This Quiz is an annual event held to raise funds for the maintenance, upkeep and improvements to the Hall.

It is a fun evening with the Chance to win the Clements Cup whilst raising funds.

Peter and Trish Clements were the Quizmasters for 20years- Trish being his very able assistant, who kept him in order.  The next Quiz Night is in Janury 2024, and will have new Quizmasters!

Past attractions - we may have them again!! --

Vamp Til Ready Concert 

THEY RETURNED to SARRATT by SPECIAL REQUEST - the ever-popular, all-singing, all-dancing Cabaret Group from West London - performing a wide ranging repertoire from the world of musical comedy, musicals and operetta including the works of Rodgers and Hammerstein, Leonard Bernstein, Jacques Offenbach, Cole Porter, Flanders and Swann, Gilbert and Sullivan and Sigmund Romberg. Elaborate, but tasteful choreography, eye-catching sets, colourful costumes, and witty and sparkling repartee guarantee a sophisticated evening of fun, enjoyment and laughter. 

True Comedy for your Valentine - 

This was a marvellous evening - Ian McMillan and Luke Carver Goss performed their ‘Between You and me show’ with a nod to Love & Relationships for Valentine’s night! Poet, broadcaster & comedian Ian McMillan and Olympic composer Luke Carver Goss presented a hilarious night of words, music & breath-taking comedy, featuring songs, stories and a musical created out of thin air! Ian McMillan hosts a weekly hit Radio 4 show The Verb. He is Poet-in-Residence for Barnsley FC, and The Academy of Urbanism. He is also a regular on BBC Breakfast, Pointless celebrities, Coast. Countryfile, Pick of the week, Last word, and Yorkshire Dales and Lakes (C4), He was featured on the South Bank Show and as a cast away on Desert Island Discs. His rip-roaring poetry shows are legendary. He also has a thing about village halls! Perhaps we can get them back some day!

Village Hall 'Games Night'

This was a fun night for all the family, playing traditional games with a real ale bar and fish and chip supper. A great success in  October 2019 in the village hall - games include skittles, table football, shove halfpenny and quoits, plus after supper, Horse Racing! Watch out for another -.

Village Hall AGM

Sarratt Village Hall is incorporated as a Charitable Trust and run by a Management Committee of volunteers, both from local organisations and elected. Every year in January the committee holds an AGM to report on the previous year’s operations and at which all inhabitants of the area of eighteen years and upward are entitled to attend and vote for the Elected Members of the committee to serve alongside the  Representative Members, which are appointed by the local clubs and societies. 

Other events and things to do in Sarratt

See the "What's On" section of the Sarratt Village website - .

This also has information about the history of Sarratt, some beautiful pictures, and describes some great walks!