Narinder Kumar Sarin




Hi everybody, I am Narinder Kumar sarin, advocate ,practicing in Dehradun for last  twenty six years.I have got experience in matters related to family, motor accident claim, property dispute and matrimonial issues. I like to help others in legal and social matters. I feel happy to do this. I like to discuss any topic on civil matters.This site makes people alert on their legal rights through  important judgments given by the different courts.



 The purpose of this site is to create general awareness  in the people regarding law. The material contained on this website is collected from various books and judgment given by the different court. All the material is general in nature and for informational purpose only. It does not constitute legal advice or opinion.

 Internet subscribers and on line readers should not be act  upon any information given in this site without seeking legal advice from their counsel.  My effort is to help everyone at my level best.still if there is any mistake or shortcoming in the provided information I will  not  be responsible in any manner.