Pool and Cabana
To reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 the pool and spa will remain closed until further notice.
The Sandpipers Common Area Cabana features an outdoor pool, hot tub, sauna and a recreation room featuring both a pool and ping pong table.
NOTE: The Association assumes no responsibility for accidents at the cabana, pool, spa and sauna. All persons using the cabana, pool, spa, and sauna do so at their own risk. No lifeguards are on duty at any time. The Association assumes no responsibility for any person using these facilities.
The door between the cabana and pool must remain closed as required by Washington Administrative Code 246-260-031.
Recreation Facilities/Cabana Rules
A. Cabana hours are from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily.
B. Two guests per resident are allowed to utilize the recreation facilities, and the resident must be present with the guests.
1) Reservations for non-exclusive use must be made with the Resident Manager.
2) Reservations exist to allow a resident to have more than the standard two adult guest limit use of the recreational facilities.
3) Exclusive use of pool and spa are not included in reservations.
4) Any resident reserving the cabana for non-exclusive use:
a. Must be present at the event.
b. Is responsible for having it cleaned by 10:00 AM the following day. If the Resident Manager determines that no additional cleaning is required, no cleaning charges will be billed. The owner shall be responsible for the cost of repair of any damage to the Cabana.
D. The primary purpose of the cabana, pool, and spa is for the residents’ personal enjoyment and social functions. Remember that the cabana is both an extension of each resident’s living room and our property in common. It is to be shared and respected with regard to the furniture, billiard equipment, carpet, kitchen, and bathrooms.
E. Children under sixteen (16) years old may not use the cabana without adult presence and supervision.
F. Fires are not allowed in the cabana fireplace unless set by the Resident Manager.
G. Use of cabana furniture away from the facility must have the Resident Manager’s or Board of Directors’ prior written approval.
Pool, Spa and Sauna Rules
1) All persons are required to obey the posted rules for each facility.
2) Persons should consult their doctor before using these two facilities if they have a medical condition not limited to heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.
3) Pregnant women should consult their doctor before using these facilities.
4) Long hair, jewelry, and other articles can become caught in the spa’s pump mechanism and can lead to drowning. If anything gets tangled in the pump, turn on the spa emergency alarm located on the north wall of the spa room. The pump will shut off automatically.
5) Alcoholic beverages are banned from these two areas.
6) The Resident Manager has the authority to enforce rules and to require violators to leave immediately.
7) Authorized personnel may close the facilities at any time because of weather conditions, equipment problems, safety concerns, or disturbances.
8) The door between the cabana and pool must remain closed as required by Washington Administrative Code 246-260-031.
9) The pool is open from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Extensions beyond Labor Day may be made weather permitting by written notice posted.
10) The spa and sauna are open from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily.
11) Showers are required before entering the pool or spa and upon re-entering after using suntan lotion or sunscreen.
12) Any person having skin diseases or communicable diseases may not use these facilities.
13) Proper swimming attire must be worn in the pool and spa. Babies (up to 4 years old) must wear waterproof diapers.
14) Horseplay, running, foul language, and rough behavior are prohibited.
15) Use only unbreakable containers around the pool and spa areas. NO GLASS ALLOWED!!!
16) Smoking is prohibited anywhere in the cabana, pool, sauna and spa areas.