a. ACCESS. Any vehicle parked in a covered stall may not restrict nor hinder access to any door or doorway. Thirty-six (36) inches of clearance shall be maintained in front of the full width of any door.
b. CLEANLINESS. The cleanliness of all assigned parking spaces is the responsibility of the owner or renter of said space. Owners of vehicles with gasoline, coolant, or oil spillage / leakage will be responsible for the cost of cleanup. If a stall is not properly cleaned and maintained, the Board has the right to have the stall professionally cleaned and to assess the owner for the cost.
c. NO STORAGE: No items should be stored in a resident’s parking space. An exception can be given by the Resident Manager for a resident who is in the process of moving to allow items to be temporarily staged at the unit’s assigned parking space.
d. COVERED PARKING. Vehicles parking in covered stalls shall not extend beyond the white fire line and the yellow clearance line.
e. FIRE LANES. Parking in Fire Lanes that are indicated by signs or by red painted curbing is prohibited. Violators will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense without warning.
f. HEAD IN. All parking stalls are for head-in parking only except the western most stalls on the West side of E building. This includes all open and covered numbered stalls assigned to each apartment except #100. This is necessary in order to avoid excessive noise and exhaust at bedroom windows and in covered parking spaces.
g. INOPERABLE VEHICLES. Inoperable vehicles are not permitted in the parking areas, including reserved spaces, for more than five (5) days and will be towed away at owner’s expense. Inoperable vehicles are vehicles that are improperly licensed, have expired tabs, or are not operable due to flat tire, broken lights, or mechanical failures, etc. or as deemed inoperable by the Resident Manager and /or the Board.
1) Parking at the Sandpiper allows for only one (1) assigned stall per unit. All numbered stalls are reserved for the resident(s).
2) Owners must notify either the Property Manager or Resident Manager of any change to the ownership or leasing of a parking stall. The involved parties will supply the relevant names of the residents, make of vehicles, and the license numbers.
3) Article 8.2 of the Declaration provides the requirements for renting / leasing a parking stall. The same article also provides the requirements for temporarily exchanging parking stalls. In either event, the Property Manager or the Resident Manager shall be informed and provided the appropriate information or documentation.
i. VEHICLE REMOVAL. The Board and / or the Resident Manager shall have the right to remove any vehicle from the premises that is deemed to be unsightly, a nuisance, inoperable, or constitutes a hazard. The removal of a vehicle shall be at the expense of the vehicle owner provided that a seventy-two (72) hour notice of removal shall have been posted on the vehicle.
1) Except for brief (5 minutes) loading and unloading, no one may park in the driveways or walkways.
2) Residents may park in the visitor parking stalls briefly i.e., no more than fifteen (15) minutes maximum (to load and unload).
3) A violation of these loading/unloading rules may result in the vehicle being towed without notice at the owner’s expense.
k. PEDESTRIANS. Pedestrians have the right of way over vehicles.
l. SPEED LIMIT. The speed limit within the complex is TEN (10) MILES PER HOUR.
m. TRUCKS. Trucks in excess of one (1) ton are not allowed within the complex unless they are being used for maintenance, authorized deliveries, or moving occupants in or out. Delivery trucks / vans may use visitor parking stalls when making pickups and deliveries. Residents shall make every effort to ensure that these service vehicles do not block any residents from entering or leaving their parking stall.
n. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. Due to the corrosive nature of petroleum products, all vehicle maintenance activities (oil changes, repairs, leaking engines) are prohibited.
o. The Board is responsible for the approval and installation of all parking signs.
p. Sandpiper Parking Decal. All residents must display a Sandpiper decal on the left side (driver’s side) rear window. Any vehicle not displaying this decal will be fined and towed without notice.
a. Resident owners/renters shall be responsible to ensure their guests’ vehicles are properly parked.
b. Any visitor parking in a visitor-parking stall must display a Sandpiper visitor-parking permit at all times. Each Apartment is entitled to one visitor-parking permit. If an owner/renter requires an additional visitor-parking permit for a limited time he or she should contact the Resident Manager for a one-time parking exception.
c. All visitor parking is limited in duration not to exceed 24 hours.
d. Any visitor parking in a visitor stall longer than 24 hours must obtain prior approval and a “Special Visitor Permit” from the Resident Manager. This permit must be displayed on the relevant vehicle’s dashboard.
e. A limit of fourteen (14) days has been placed on guests’ use of visitor stalls overnight within a 6-month period, without the written permission of the Resident Manager.
f. No visitor stall shall be used for a full or part-time business.
g. Unidentified vehicles (no visitor permit) parked in a visitor stall shall be towed without notice at the vehicle owner’s expense.
h. Residents having functions in the cabana are responsible for their guests’ parking. Residents shall agree to control their guests’ parking when they reserve the cabana.
i. All vehicles owned or operated by residents are prohibited from parking in guests’ spots except when prior arrangements have been made with the Resident Manager. Violators will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense without warning.
a. Per the Private Property Impound Agreement executed with Jim’s Northgate Towing, all impounded vehicles will be towed to Jim’s Northgate Towing, 13730 32nd Ave N.E., Seattle, WA 98125 (Telephone 206-364-1579). Only the Resident Manager, and in his / her absence a Board Member, are authorized to arrange for the impound of vehicles parked in violation of these House Rules.
b. Any vehicle parked in a reserved area, visitor parking, fire lane, or no-parking area in violation of these House Rules will be impounded without notice at the owner’s risk and expense. No attempt will be made to locate the owner of an improperly parked vehicle. It is the responsibility of all residents to know the parking regulations.
See Covenant/Rule Enforcement Policies and Procedures and Fine Schedule on Page 14.