Newsletter No. 82, 11th February 2013

With the daffodils blooming in the garden Spring must be fairly imminent and we can look forward to the pleasurable persuits of gardening, cricket and holidays in the sunshine. Hope you all had a jolly festive season and were not too inconvenienced by the snow and ice recently.

The annual subscription of £6.00 for 2013 season became due on 1“ January 2013.

Do you remember Gavin Littaur's "The most important item in British Postal History?" which featured in the last newsletter. I note that Spink sold it recently for £21,000, l think I read that correctly.

Before he sadly died Ron Hake, our much esteemed friend and colleague, collaborated with Michael Lockton to produce a book "Devon R.S.O.- Railway Sub Office Cancellations 1886-1932". Ron's widow Gillian is now marketing this book, full details of which, and how to obtain it are included with this letter.

Dates for your Diary 2013:

20-23rd Feb. STAMPEX Business Design Centre, Islington. N1 OQH.

23rd March. Bridgwater & District P.S. Annual Fair, Westfield United Reformed Church Hall, West St., Bridgwater 10-4 p.m.

11th May Wells P.S. Annual Fair & Exhibition, Glastonbury Town Hall 10-4p.m.

8th June SWINPEX St Joseph's College Swindon SN33LR

6th July MIDPEX Exhibition Centre, Fosse Way, Leamington Spa CV31 1XN

One Day Meeting. Hornsbury Mill, Chard. Sunday 24th October 2012

Chairman Tony Osmond extended a warm welcome to 19 members and friends particularly newcomer Bob Medland. Everyone then stood in silent tribute to the memory of Adrian Almond whose death was announced in the previous newsletter. Tony thanked Bill for an excellent journal this time, particularly for its original research contents

Apologies were received from: Karol and Andrew Dibble, John Forbes-Nixon, John Harding, David & Mary Eastman, Peter Basterfield, Nigel Borlase-Hendry and Brian Purcell.

Tony then introduced long standing group stalwart John Millener with his much anticipated collection of postal history of the City of Wells. John whose knowledge on this subject is second to none commenced with a brief survey of early postal activity in the Wells area followed by the showing of a facsimile of the Wells X of 1709. Originals of any of the towns on this first Cross Post are notoriously difficult to find. Then followed an albino straight line of 1716 and a 1765 with the BristoI B. Examples of all 10 Receiving Houses in the Wells Penny Post were shown. Other items to catch your reporter's eye were:- the oval paid at Wells, "skeletons" of 1944, local village UDC's, a photo of the unique Wells curved registered hand stamp, a 1/= rate cover to Baku, paid "skeletons”, climax rubbers, humourous Wells P.P.C’s and a modem cover celebrating 800th anniversary of the Wells charter.

Nick Bridgwater was the next to take centre stage with his amazing display of Mulready sheets and envelopes. Nick explained that Henry Cole had commissioned William Mulready to design this iconic piece of stationery in December 1939 and they were on sale by 6th May 1840 and we witnessed an 8th May example. Both sheets and envelopes were produced in sheets of 12 and that is how the envelopes were sold to the public. Neither form were particularly popular with the public and were replaced by the 1d pink stationery in January 1841. However Nick explained that the Mulready sheet remained in vogue a little longer because they were used easily for communication by insurance companies, Tax Authorities, Corn Law abolitionists and private advertisers. Only examples of 3 adverts on 2d letter sheets have survived and we were privileged to see one of them.

Applause for both speakers was thoroughly deserved.

Before and after our lovely lunch and visit to view the lake, geese and peacocks the following members entertained us as follows:

Graham Warren A Somerset miscellany inc. early Yeovil straight lines.

Mike Welch The village of Holford 1846-1975

Nick Bridgwater Somerset & Dorset miscellany inc. an East Chinnock canceller

John Millener Modern Horizontal labels of Wells

Ken Gane Commercial advertising on P.P.C’s .

Alan Cotton Social & Postal History of Butleigh 1822-1985

Roger Martin A modern miscellany of recently introduced machine cancels.

Bill Pipe A Dorset miscellany plus House of Commons U.D.C.

Mike Tombs A Shaftesbury miscellany

Tony Osmond Hancock’s date stamps now attributed to Wellington P.O.

Another enjoyable day ended with thanks extended to Barbara for organising lunch requirements, Roger and Dave for supplementary lighting, Mike's accountancy, Taunton and Wells clubs for display boards and Bill for his silent auction which together with Mike's Black Magic tin raised £15.60 for group funds.

The next Autumn Hornsbury meeting is booked for Sunday 20th October 2013



From the mid-1880s, Railway Sub Oilices (RSOs) were issued with handstamps which included the designation "RSO" and this was extended to include branch oiiices in early 1900. The collection of postmarks containing the designation RSO makes a fascinating study.

This book which is a self standing Section to Ron Hake's Postal Markings of Devon, lists all the Post Oiiices in Devon designated RSOs and their Branch Offices. The work lists 319 different designated RSOs and Branch Offices. However only 84 are known to have been issued with or used an RSO handstamp. The book gives a snapshot of these postmarks seen by the authors.

Details - 109pp, B&W double sided, Full colour cover, White wire bound with acetate front and back cover.

Price - £12.50 inc. postage.

Available from - Gillian Hake, 21 Broomhill. TIVERTON, Devon EX16 SAR

Next One Day Meeting, Sunday 24th March 2013, Hornsbug Mill, Chard


10.00 a.m. Coffee

10.30 a.m. Introduction by the Chairman

10.40 a.m. Nick Bridgwater ” His Mulready story continued"

12.noon Members 9 sheets (1st session)

12.30 p.m. Lunch

U 14.15 p.m. Bill Pipe ”Perfins of British Railway Companies"

15.30 p.m. Members 9 sheets (2nd session)

16.30 p.m. Tea and Notice Board

16.45 p.m. Meeting closes.

Bill Pipe is very happy to conduct a Silent Auction of the spare material you wish to sell, provided that your lots reach him by the 17th March. Material brought to him on the day will not be eligible for the Auction.