Medical Camp

Health is not simply the absence of sickness - Hannah Green

Soujanya Medical Camp In association with IMA Palghat

9 am to 2 pm – 31 December 2006 – Katampazhipuram

Broad specialties

  1. Medicine
  2. Surgery
  3. Gynecology
  4. Pediatrics
  5. ENT
  6. Ophthalmology
  7. Skin / Dermatology
  8. Urology and Kidney Diseases

Prior Registration - Dec 10 to 25

  1. Registration through identified shops in and around. Shops to issue the coupons to the public.
  2. On the spot registration is discouraged.

The camp

  1. A minimum of 5 registration counters - to open at 7 am.
  2. Consultation rooms - 2 volunteers in each room.
  3. Common room for two sisters - Blood pressure (BP) and weight measurements

Notes - There will be a short inaugural function.

Pharmacy - Common Drugs will be provided.