Headaches, Childhood issues, Vector borne diseases & Ecoprenuer

30 Dec 2012

Vadakkepat Ashtami-Rohini, Katampazhipuram, Palakkad

09.30: Welcome and introduction to grama samskrithy

Dr. Prahlad Vadakkepat, PhD

10.00: Why do we have headaches?

Dr. Sunil K Narayan, MD, DM, DipNB (Neuro), MNAMS, FRCP (London), Professor and Head, Dept. of Neurology, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry

11.00: Common childhood problems

Dr. AK Jayachandran, MBBS, DCH, MRCPCH, CCT (UK), Consultant Neonatologist, Moulana Hospital, Perithalmanna

12.00: Community participation in control of communicable diseases with special emphasis on vector borne diseases control

Dr. Nandini Gopalamenon, MD, Deputy DMO & DSO, Thrissur, Kerala Health Services

01.00: Working lunch

02.00: Creating value addition to lives

Ms. Lakshmi Menon, ‘Pureliving’, Ecopreneur, Kochi