Biology Overview

Biology is the study of life. Over the past six years I have devoted my life to study living organisms, specifically humans. My passion for helping people manifested itself during my years spend as a youth minister and a EMT. I have always been interested in pelagic (ocean) animals, dinosaurs, and land mammals. Throughout elementary school I remember discovering new things as played outside, this passion only grew stronger through secondary school. It wasn't until college did I truly began to understand and appreciate what occurred at the molecular level: how genetics played a part in flower colors, how cells absorb nutrients, and how DNA controls everything.

In my classroom, you will discover the complex machinery behind your daily existence. The mire fact of you reading this, exhibits cells working together causing you to comprehend language and make sense of content. Biology is tied to everything you do and you will quickly discover how you became you.

We will be covering topics that span all realms of life, from antibodies to zygotes.

Please continue to either syllabus section or copy of the Back to School Presentation.