
Library grades are given to 4th grade students as follows:

+   Expected library achievement

Student knows and follows library procedures.

Student is careful with library books & the placement of library materials.

Student returns books reasonably well, no books more than 3 weeks overdue.

Student is attentive during instruction time and tries to do what has been asked.

Student meets the requirement for the Scholastic Reading Counts testing program 

 ~  Needs work in some areas

Student needs to be reminded about proper library procedures.

Student is not concerned about the care or placement of library materials.

Student has trouble with book return, but eventually does bring them back or pay for a replacement.

Student has trouble focusing during instruction (somewhat disruptive, off task, etc.)

Student has trouble completing the requirement for the Scholastic Reading Counts program.

- Little achievement in library is evident 

Student has trouble with library procedures most of the time.

Student is noticeably abusive with books and/or careless about placement of them.

Student is habitually poor at book return or lost books are not taken care of by the end of the year.

Student does not listen during instructional time and/or shows no interest in lesson or story, disruptive

Student is not interested in finding a book for enjoyment reading, hasn't met Reading Counts requirement.

If your child struggles with reading, you could help by reading with him/her, alternating pages or chapters.  Setting aside a designated 15 minutes per day for this activity, will get the job done.  The chapter books don't have to be long or complicated, we have many short books designed for this purpose.  It might also be a good idea to stop by the library before or after school to assist your child with appropriate book selection.