Nonliner Dynamics and Turbulence

This is a 4 credit elective course for MSc second semester in Physics.

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to familiarise the students with analytical solution techniques of nonlinear system of equations and thereby introduce chaos. Different types of turbulence will be taught including fluid, magneto-hydrodynamic and turbulence where physics of kinetic scales are involved. Stress will be given on numerical algorithms to solve such physics problems.

Learning Outcome:

LO-1: The students will learn stability analysis and bifurcation diagram of different nonlinear maps in both one and two dimensions.

LO-2: The student will be able to demonstrate different types of nonlinear attractors using basic computational schemes.

LO-3: Theory of turbulence phenomena will be taught to understand the turbulence at different length and time scales occurring in nature.

LO-4: Numerical schemes for simulating turbulence phenomena at fluid as well as kinetic scales will be demonstrated.

Course Content:

Unit I: Nonlinear Dynamics

Flows on the line


Flows on the circle

Linear systems

Phase plane

Limit cycles

Bifurcation in two dimensional flows

Lorenz equations

One-dimensional maps


Strange attractors

Unit II: Hydrodynamic Turbulence

Symmetries and conservation laws

Probabilistic description of turbulence

Survey of probabilistic tools

Experimental laws of fully developed turbulence

Kolmogorov's theory of 1941

Turbulence phenomenology


Unit III: Hydromagnetic Turbulence

Basic equations

Flux freezing

Applications of flux freezing

Motions of lines of forces in a vacuum

Validity of hydromagnetic equations

An exact solution

Goldreich - Sridhar theory

Cowling's theorem

Mean-field dynamo models

Biermann battery

Fluctuation dynamo

Unit IV: Algorithms for turbulence simulations

Particle-in-Cell Method 

Revision of numerical integration

Working knowledge of numerical interpolation

Cloud-in-Cell algorithm

Electromagnetic PIC algorithms

Algorithms for Continuum Vlasov simulation

Piecewise Parabolic Method

Galerkin Methods

Vlasov Maxwell systems

Course Evaluation:

Internal Test 1  (25 Marks) 

Internal Test 2 (25 Marks)

Internal Test 3 (25 Marks)

Final Exam (50 Marks)

Final evaluation sheet will be prepared using the best TWO out of the three Internal Tests (25+25 = 50 Marks) + Final Exam (50 Marks).


Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Steven H Strogatz

Turbulence: The Legacy of A N Kolmogorov by Uriel Frisch

Plasma Physics for Astrophysics by Russel Kulsrud

Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation by C K Birdsall

A Critical Comparison of Eulerian-Grid-Based Vlasov Solvers, by Arber and Vann; Journal of Computational Physics 180, 339–357 (2002)