Running 1D-PIC simulation on Arduino-Nano

Sample output of 1D Electrostatic Particle-In-Cell code run on Arduino-Nano Every board (price ~10.33 USD)


 * Example hybrid electrostatic Particle-in-Cell (ES-PIC) simulation running on an Arduino

 * More information at

 * The code simulates ions moving from left boundary to right where potential oscillates

 * Written by Lubos Brieda, April 2020

 * Tested with MKR Vidor 400

 * Modified and Adapted for Nano-Every by Rupak Mukherjee, 2020



// declare simulation parameters

const float x0 = 0.0;        // mesh origin

const float xm = 0.1;        // mesh extend

const int ni = 21;           // number of nodes

const float dx = xm/(ni-1);  // cell spacing

const float dt = 1e-6;       // time step


const float n0 = 1e5;        // reference number density

const float phi0 = 0;        // reference potential

const float kTe0 = 1;        // reference electron temperature


// physical constants

const float EPS_0 = 8.854187e-12;  // permittivity of free space

const float QE = 1.602e-19;        // elementary charge

const float M = 131*1.660539e-27;  // ion mass, 131 AMU


const int np_max = 100;           // maximum number of simulation particles

const float w_mp = 1e4;            // macroparticle weight


float* ndi;             // ion number density array

float* phi;             // potential array

float* ef;              // electric field array

float* xp;              // particle positions

float* up;              // particle velocities


unsigned int np = 0;    // actual number of particles

unsigned long ts = 0;   // current time step


// random number generator, returns [0,1)

float rnd() {

  unsigned int rnd_max = 2147;

  float r;

  do { r=random(rnd_max)/(float)rnd_max; }

  while (r>=1.0);  // sample again if we get 1.0

  return r;



// this is the function that runs when the Arduino is powered up

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(9600);    // open serial port communication

  while(!Serial) {};      // wait for the initialization to complete  


  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);  // enable writing to the built in LED

  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,0);   // turn off the LED


  ndi = (float*)malloc(ni*sizeof(float));  // allocate memory for ion denstity

  ef = (float*)malloc(ni*sizeof(float));   // allocate memory for electric field

  phi = (float*)malloc(ni*sizeof(float));  // allocate memory for potential


  for (int i=0;i<ni;i++) { 

    ndi[i] = 0;   phi[i] = 0;  ef[i] = 0;  // initialize to zero



  xp = (float*)malloc(np_max*sizeof(float)); // allocate memory for ion positions

  up = (float*)malloc(np_max*sizeof(float)); // allocate memory for ion velocities


  for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {                   // blink the LED 10x to update status

    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,0); delay(200);

    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,1); delay(200);



  // optionally, wait to receive 'go' from the serial port before proceeding

  if (0) {

    Serial.println("Done initializing, type 'go' to start");


    while(1) {

      if (Serial.available()>=2) {         // if we have at least two characters

        String str = Serial.readString();  // get the entire string

        Serial.println("read: "+str);      // write out what we received

        if (str[0]=='g' && str[1]=='o') break; // if we get 'g' and 'o', continue





  Serial.println("Starting");   // write to serial port

  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,0);  // turn off LED



// this is the code that runs continuosly once setup complets

// it is effective the PIC main loop

void loop() {

  int np_inject = 10;     // number of particles to inject at

  if (np+np_inject>np_max) // check for particle overflow

    np_inject = np_max-np; // adjust particle count if too many


  // inject np_inject particles

  for (int i=0;i<np_inject;i++) {

    xp[np] = x0;          

    do {

      up[np] = 10+50*rnd();  // pick random velocity, shoud sample from Maxwellian here!

                             // should also rewind for Leapfrog

    } while(up[np]<0);       // pick again if moving backwards


    np++;                    // update number of particles



  // clear number density array

  for (int i=0;i<ni;i++) {ndi[i] = 0;} 


  // scatter particles to the grid to compute number density

  for (int p=0;p<np;p++) {

    float li = (xp[p]-x0)/dx;   // get logical coordinate

    int i = (int)li;            // truncate to get cell index

    float di = li-i;            // fraction distance in the cell

    ndi[i]+= w_mp*(1-di);       // scatter macroparticle weight to the nodes




  // divide by cell volume to get number density

  for (int i=0;i<ni;i++) ndi[i]/=dx;

  ndi[0]*=2.0; ndi[ni-1]*=2.0;     // only half-volume on boundaries


  // update potential on the right boundary

  const int freq_ts = 200;

  float f = (ts%freq_ts)/(float)freq_ts;    

  phi[0] = 0;

  phi[ni-1] = -10*cos(2*PI*f);


  // compute nonlinear potential, GS for now for simplicity  

  for (int k=0;k<100;k++) {   // perform 100 iterations, no convergence check

    for (int i=1;i<ni-1;i++) {

      float rho = QE*(ndi[i] - n0*exp((phi[i]-phi0)/(kTe0))); // charge density

      phi[i] = ((rho/EPS_0)*(dx*dx) + phi[i-1] + phi[i+1])/2; // update potential on node i




  // compute electric field

  ef[0] = (phi[0]-phi[1])/dx;          // one sided difference on left

  ef[ni-1] = (phi[ni-2]-phi[ni-1])/dx; // one sided difference on right

  for (int i=1;i<ni-1;i++) 

    ef[i] = (phi[i-1]-phi[i+1])/(2*dx); // central difference everywhere else


  // move particles

  for (int p=0;p<np;p++) {

    float li = (xp[p]-x0)/dx;      // logical coordinate

    int i = (int)li;               // cell index

    float di = li-i;               // fractional distance

    float ef_p = ef[i]*(1-di)+ef[i+1]*(di);  // electric field seen by the particle

    up[p] += QE*ef_p/M*dt;         // update velocity 

    xp[p] += up[p]*dt;             // upate position


    if (xp[p]<x0 || xp[p]>=xm) {   // check for particles leaving the domain

      xp[p] = xp[np-1];            // remove particle by replacing with the last one

      up[p] = up[np-1];            

      np--;                        // decrease number of particles

      p--;                         // decrement p to recheck this position again




  ts++;  // update time step


  // send field data over the serial port every 5 time steps

  // data sent as ts,999,np,999,phi,999,999,999,...,ndi,999,999,999,...

  if (ts%5==0) {         

     String str;

     str="ts,"+String(ts);          // time step

     str+=",np,"+String(np);        // number of particles

     str+=",phi";                   // potential

     for (int i=0;i<ni;i++) str+=","+String(phi[i]);

     str+=",ndi";                   // number density

     for (int i=0;i<ni;i++) str+=","+String(ndi[i]);

     Serial.println(str);           // write out







