Following are the yearly progress presentations during my PhD.

7. Turbulence, flows and magnetic field generation in plasmas using a magnetohydrodynamic model [18 Sept, 2019] [Lecture Slides] {Thesis Defense}

6. Turbulence, flows and magnetic field generation in plasmas using a magnetohydrodynamic model [29 Mar, 2019] [Lecture Slides] {Synopsis}

5. Nonlinear Alfven waves, Recurrence and Dynamo in 3D MagnetoHydroDynamic Plasma [28 Feb, 2019] [Lecture Slides] [.zip] {Pre-Synopsis}

4. Magnetic Field Generation and Flows in Plasmas [31 July, 2018] [Lecture Slides] [.zip]

3. Two Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equation - Solution using Pseudo-Spectral Method [12 July, 2017] [Lecture Slides] [.zip]

2. Studies in Strongly Correlated Plasma and Navier-Stokes Equation [22 Aug, 2016] [Lecture Slides]

1. Understanding Strongly Coupled Plasmas Through Simulations [28 July, 2015] [Lecture Slides