Gyro-Kinetics and Spectral Algorithms

1. Electromagnetic full-f continuum gyrokinetic simulation of plasma turbulence in scrape-off layer of ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

    Rupak Mukherjee*, Noah R Mandell, Manaure R Francisquez, Tess N Bernard, Ammar H Hakim, and Gregory W Hammett

    [Under Preparation]

2. Effect of neutral interactions on parallel transport and blob dynamics in gyrokinetic scrape-off layer simulations

    Tess N Bernard, Federico D Halpern, Manaure R Francisquez, James Lewis Juno, Noah R Mandell, Gregory W Hammett, Ammar H Hakim, Emily Humble, and Rupak Mukherjee

    [Physics of Plasmas]

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

1.  Understanding the surface wave characteristics using 2D particle-in-cell simulation and deep neural network

      Rinku Mishra, Sayan Adhikari, Rupak Mukherjee, Bipul Jyoti Saikia

     [arXiv] [Physics of Plasmas]


7. Decay of shear-Alfven wave in an ideal incompressible plasma with stochastic magnetic field

    Rupak Mukherjee*, Abhijit Sen

    [Under Preparation]

6. Electromagnetic Pinned Solitons for Space Debris Detection

   Abhijit Sen, Rupak Mukherjee, S K Yadav, Chris Crabtree, Gurudas Ganguli

   [Physics of Plasmas]

5. Study of Dynamo Action in Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Plasma with Arnold-Beltrami-Childress Flow

    Rupak Mukherjee, Rajaraman Ganesh


4. Recurrence in three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic plasma

    Rupak Mukherjee, Rajaraman Ganesh, Abhijit Sen

    [arXiv] [Physics of Plasmas] [Editor's Pick]

3. Coherent nonlinear oscillations in magnetohydrodynamic plasma

    Rupak Mukherjee, Rajaraman Ganesh, Abhijit Sen

    [arXiv] [Physics of Plasmas] 

2. Three Dimensional Pseudo-Spectral Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic GPU Code for Astrophysical Plasma Simulation

   Rupak Mukherjee, Rajaraman Ganesh, Vinod Saini, Udaya Maurya, Nagavijayalakshmi Vydyanathan,  Bharatkumar Sharma

   [arXiv] [IEEE Conference Proceedings of 25th International Conference on High Performance Computing Workshops (HiPCW), 2018]

1. Numerical relaxation of a 3D MHD Taylor - Woltjer state subject to abrupt expansion

    Rupak Mukherjee, Rajaraman Ganesh

    [arXiv] [Conference Proceedings of 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 2018]

Fluid Dynamics and Vortex Mergers

1. Compressibility effects on quasistationary vortex and transient hole patterns through vortex merger

     Rupak Mukherjee*, Akanksha Gupta, Rajaraman Ganesh 

    [arXiv] [Physica Scripta]

Complex Plasma/Yukawa Gas

5. Measurement of temperature of a dusty plasma from configuration

    Rupak Mukherjee*, Surabhi Jaiswal, Manish K Shukla, Ammar H Hakim, Edward Thomas

   [arXiv] [Contributions to Plasma Physics]

4. Viscoelastic effects on asymmetric two-dimensional vortex patterns in a strongly coupled dusty plasma

    Akanksha Gupta, Rupak Mukherjee, Rajaraman Ganesh

   [arXiv] [Contributions to Plasma Physics] [On the Cover]

3. Correlation between two non-linear events in a complex dusty plasma system

    Rinku Mishra, Sayan Adhikari, Rupak Mukherjee, Monojyoti Dey

   [arXiv] [Physics of Plasmas]

2. Effect of magnetic field on the phase transition in a dusty plasma 

    Surabhi Jaiswal, Taylor Howard Hall, Spencer LeBlanc, Rupak Mukherjee, Edward Thomas 

   [arXiv] [Physics of Plasmas] [AIP Scilight] [AIP Featured] [COSAM]

1. Isothermal equation of state of three dimensional Yukawa gas 

     Manish Kumar Shukla, Avinash Khare, Rupak Mukherjee, Rajaraman Ganesh 

    [arXiv] [Physics of Plasmas] [AIP Scilight] [AIP Featured]

Classical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics

2. Amplitude Mediated Chimera States with Active and Inactive Oscillators 

    Rupak Mukherjee*, Abhijit Sen

    [arXiv] [Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science]

1. Single particle closed orbits in Yukawa potential 

    Rupak Mukherjee*, Sobhan Sounda

   [arXiv] [Springer Nature SharedIt] [Indian Journal of Physics]

General Relativity, Black Hole and Cosmology

1. Constraining scalar-Gauss-Bonnet inflation by reheating, unitarity and Planck data

     Srijit Bhattacharjee, Debaprasad Maity, Rupak Mukherjee 

    [arXiv] [Physical Review D]

* indicates corresponding author.