Robotics Groups and Laboratories World Wide
CMU The Robotics Institute (RI): Kanade Takeo, Alexei Efros, Maxim Likhachev, Anthony Stentz, Howie Choset, Red Whittaker, Alonzo Kelly, James Kuffner etc.
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL): John Leonard, Nicholas Roy, Rodney Brooks
MIT Meida Lab: Cynthia Breazeal, Marvin Minsky
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL): Sebastian Thrun, Oussama Khatib, Fei-Fei Li, Andrew Ng, Nils J. Nilsson
Gatech Robotics and Intelligent Machine Group: Henrik Christensen, Frank Dellaert, Ronald Arkin
UPenn General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception Lab (GRASP Lab): Vijay Kumar
Caltech Computational Vision Lab: Pietro Perona
Willow Garage: Kurt Konolige
MSR Interactive Visual Media Group: Richard Szeliski
MSR Machine Learning and Perception Group: Andrew Fitzgibbon, Christopher Bishop
Univ. of Washington Robotics and State Estimation Lab (RSE Lab): Dieter Fox
Univ. of Washington Graphics and Imaging Lab (GRAIL): Steven Seitz
UC Berkely Robotics and Intelligent Machine Lab (Historic Wiki): Lotfi Zadeh
UC Berkely Computer Vision Group: Jitendra Malik
UC Berkely Video and Image Processing Lab (VIP Lab)
Oxford Univ. Robotics Research Group: Andrew Zisserman, David Murray, Ian Reid, Paul Newman, Micheal Brady
Imperial College of London Robot Vision Group: Andrew Davison
Univ. of Essex- Robotics Research Group: Huosheng Hu, Dongbing Gu
Univ. of Sydney Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR): Hugh Durrant-Whyte
Queensland Univ. of Tech - ARC Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision : Peter Corke
Univ. of Tokyo Computer Vision Lab: Katsushi Ikeuchi
AIST Intelligent Systems Research Institue: Kazuhito Yokoi
Univ. of Tokyo Johou Systems Kougaku Lab (JSK Lab): Masayuki Inaba
Waseda Univ. Humanoid Robotics Institute
Tokyo Institute of Technology Hirose Lab
ETHZ- Computer Vision Laboratory: Luc Van Gool
ETHZ - Computer Vision and Geometry Group: Marc Pollefeys
ETHZ - Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL): Roland Siegwart
Univ. of Zurich- Robotics and Perception Group (RPG) Davide Scaramuzza
Univ. Freiburg- Autonomous Intelligent System (AIS):Wolfram Burgard
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Robot Learning Lab
INRIA LEAR (Learning and Recognition in Vision): Cordelia Schmid
NUS, Singapore- Social Robotics Laboratory (SRL) Sam Shuzhi Ge