Ryota TSUBAKI: 椿 涼太

Dr. (Eng.)

Associate Professor, Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nagoya University

Publons/Web of Science Link

Google Scholar Link

紹介ページ(大学研究室) Link


Research interest: 研究テーマ

High resolution inundation flow simulation and its application to mitigate physical and environmental risks: 高解像洪水氾濫流解析と、その解析で評価される洪水氾濫流の水理特性に着目した物理的被害や環境への影響の評価と緩和

Keywords: LiDAR, DEM, Finite volume method, Unstructured grid, railway, urban, mountainous

Advanced field monitoring of fluid flow and sediment transport: 河川の流れ・土砂・物質輸送の実測方法の開発と発展

Keywords: Flow visualization, acoustic, pressure, sediment transport, turbulence, gravel bed rivers

Understanding and control of river geomorphology: 河川の地形変化の予測と制御

Keywords: Gravel bed rivers, vegetation, numerical simulation  

Recent activities

Visited the lab of Dr. Atsushi Nakano at Miyazaki University

Visited Miyazaki University in January 2025 to meet Dr. Atsushi Nakano, who had returned from his sabbatical at UC Irvine. The campus is spacious, green, and has an undulated topography. It reminds me of the campus of Hiroshima University, where I worked as an assistant professor.

The Gokase River, Omaru River and Oyodo River visit (JSCE, 基礎水理部会) Jan. 2025

Takachiho at the upstream of the Gokase River

Dakeku Bridge in the Omaru River, planned to be replaced.

Transplanted Penthorum chinese タコノアシ at the downstream of the Oyodo River

Fruit of cycad plant

Toxic and inedible.

川のふるさと交流館 さらら




北海道へそ祭り 人形


Visited Gifu with Prof. Cooper from UK

Prof. Cooper from Liverpool visited Nagoya, and we went to Gifu to explore the Kiso and Nagara Rivers on Dec. 2024. We also visited the river restoration research center (see the left photos).

Study supervision

Funding and research proposal of master's, doctoral and post-doctoral studies

Hiring master's and doctoral students for research projects is not very common in labs in Japanese universities.

Those interested in joining us will either have to pay your expenses or apply for a scholarship. Scholarships are either private or public.

For post-doctoral study, JSPS provides postdoctoral fellowships.

Self-driven research projects are quite important in master's and especially doctoral course. Accordingly, the research proposal by the applicant is quite important. I can advise but the proposal must be prepared by the applicant.

To consult on the master, doctoral, and post-doctoral studies, send your research proposal and C.V. by e-mail.

Description of selected papers

Image motion analysis of sediment particles migrating on dunes 

Tsubaki, R., Baranya, S., Muste, M. and Toda, Y.: Spatio-temporal patterns of sediment particle movement on 2D and 3D bedforms, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 59, No. 93, 2018. Post-print, View-only-version.

Flood Risk Assessment of the Middle Reach of the Helmand River, Afghanistan

K Sefat, R Tsubaki: Flood Risk Assessment of the Middle Reach of the Helmand River, Afghanistan, Journal of Disaster Research 19 (2), 455-464, 2024. Journal link.

A glacial lake outburst flood risk assessment for the Phochhu river basin, Bhutan

T Wangchuk, R Tsubaki: A glacial lake outburst flood risk assessment for the Phochhu river basin, Bhutan, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 24 (7), 2523-2540, 2024. Journal link.

Effects of vegetation distribution along river transects on the morphology of a gravel bed braided river

R Zhu, R Tsubaki, Y Toda: Effects of vegetation distribution along river transects on the morphology of a gravel bed braided river, Acta Geophysica, 72 (2), 1097-1112, 2024. Journal link.

Impact Assessment of Flushing Flow from a Dam to Invasive Aquatic Plant Egeria densa in a Gravel-bed River

R Tsubaki, Y Kawahara, Y Mizuguchi: Impact Assessment of Flushing Flow from a Dam to Invasive Aquatic Plant Egeria densa in a Gravel-bed River, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 28 (3), 1062-1074, 2024. Journal link.

Experiment to clarify the condition of railway embankment scour

Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y. and Ueda, K.: Railway embankment failure due to ballast layer breach caused by inundation flows, Natural Hazards, Vol. 87, No. 2, doi: 10.1007/s11069-017-2789-3, 2017, Post-print, Journal link

Fragility curve for railway embankment scour

Tsubaki, R., Bricker, J.D., Ichii, K. and Kawahara, Y.: Development of fragility curves for railway embankment and ballast scour due to overtopping flow, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, EGU, Vol. 16, 2455-2472, doi:10.5194/nhess-16-2455-2016, Paper

Sediment budgeting using detailed bathymetry maps: Acoustic mapping velocimetry (AMV)

Muste, M., Baranya, S., Tsubaki, R., Kim, D., Ho, H., Tsai, H. and Law, D.: Acoustic mapping velocimetry, Water Resources Research, Vol. 52, doi: 10.1002/2015WR018354, 2016.5, Journal link, Paper

Spatial interpolation of river ADCP data

Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y., Muto, Y. and Fujita, I.: New 3-D flow interpolation method on moving ADCP data, Water Resources Research, Abstract, Paper, Repository 

Development of image based flow measurement method and utilization to open water flow analysis

Multi-camera large-scale particle image velocimetry

Tsubaki, R.: Multi-camera large-scale particle image velocimetry. Measurement Science and Technology, doi: 10.1088/1361-6501/ab85d5, 2020, Post-print, Journal link.

On the Texture Angle Detection Used in Space-Time Image Velocimetry

Tsubaki, R.: On the Texture Angle Detection Used in Space-Time Image Velocimetry (STIV), Water Resources Research, Vol. 53(12), doi: 10.1002/2017WR021913, pp.10908-10914, 2017, Post-print, Journal link

Smartphone apps for river flow measurement (LSPIV apps for iOS and Android)

Tsubaki, R., Fujita, I., Yu, K. and Muste, M.: Large-scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV) implementation on smartphone, Proceedings of 36th IAHR congress, ISBN: 978-90-824846-0-1, Paper number 3874 on WEB site, Hague, Netherlands, June 28, 2015. Link

Innovation on river monitoring and its application on eco-hydraulics assessment

Development and refinement of methods for measuring water and sediment flow during floods, and assessment of those impact of river ecosystem (riparian and aquatic plants and attached algae)

Compact geophone

Tsubaki, R., Kawahara, Y., Zhang, X and Tsuboshita, K.: A new geophone device for understanding environmental impacts caused by gravel bedload during artificial floods, Water Resources Research, Vol. 53, doi: 10.1002/2016WR019726, 2017, Journal link, Paper, Post-print

Flood inundation flow modeling

Railway embankment overtopping

Uncertainty assessment of the calculated result

Tsubaki, R. and Kawahara, Y.: The uncertainty of Local Flow Parameters During Inundation Flow Over Complex Topographies with Elevation Errors, Journal of Hydrology, Vol.486, 2013. Journal link, Repository 

Mesh generation using LiDAR data

Tsubaki, R., Fujita, I.: Unstructured grid generation using LiDAR data for urban flood inundation modelling, Hydrological Processes, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 1404-1420, 2010, Abstract, Paper, Repository 

Investigation of flow in a channel in Japanese garden

Tsubaki, R., Nakayama, Y. and Fujita, I.: The design secret of Kyokusui-no-En's meandering channel, Journal of Visualization, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 265-272, 2008.7. Abstract, Repository 

River flow

Morphological evolution of river topography

Flow with vegetation

Numerical flow simulation (CFD)