
Okay, armies can use formations. There have been a number of games that allow this, I used to use a few in AoC (flank and disperse) but usually they are a pain to command, rarely work and hence are just not used by anyone, even the experts.

Will RoN be different? I think so.

What formations are available?

Line: your standard formation

Echellon Left/Right: used to protect either flank

Refused: Units will fall into a formation, typically surrounding seige and protect the flanks.

Envelope: Your army will attempt to surround the opponent

Why are they imprtant?

In RoN, units that are attacked in the flank or rear are much weaker (apparently) so it certainly pays to utilise this or at least avoid being attacked that way as the bonus is supposed to be big.

How is it done?

Several ways, the old ones (that nobody used) are to click the formation button (advanced commands) or use hotkey Alt-F to cycle through them.

RoN also allows you to control the formation from the mouse when you order units to move.

Change facing: Instead of right-clicking the move, drag the mouse with the right button untill the facing is as you want it (there is a line showing the facing) then release.

Change formation: While holding the right mouse button down, click the left mouse button to cycle through the 5 basic formations.

Change density: Again while holding the right mouse down, use the wheel to tighten or loosen the formation you have selected.

When you do any of these commands, you will see the positions that your army will take up as red circles.

Finally another useful quick formation is used to attack cities (or other buildings). Just hold the Alt key down as you order the attack. Your units will move into siege range, the siege will start pounding the city and the rest of your units will enter the refuse formation around them to protect them.