Biological Market models

A game with one boa constructor and two shadowbirds

(for an explanation see Noë & Hammerstein 1994)

There are a number of different approaches to the modelling of biological markets. Our original model (Noë & Hammerstein 1994) and the model by Johnstone & Bshary (2008) are based on game theory.

Other models, such as those published by Mark Schwartz and Jason Hoeksema and by Miro Kummel and Steve Salant, are based on David Ricardo's (1817) principle of 'comparative advantage'. Cowden & Peterson (2009) used cellular automata to build a model of nutrient exchange mutualisms, while Claire de Mazancourt and Mark Schwartz (2010) propose a model based on resource ratio theory. Song & Feldman (2013) propose a solution to the problem of markets heading for clearance with a reduction of variance in supply and reduced levels of choosiness as a result.

Campenni & Schino (2014), using agent-based modelling, very nicely show that positive correlations between investments given and received, which is often seen as a 'proof' for partner control mechanisms, such as reciprocal altruism, can in fact result from pure partner choice mechanisms without any need for partner control. Thus, proof for the existence of partner control is and remains in direct contingencies, e.g. alternation of giving and receiving in the case of reciprocal altruism.

Wyatt et al (2014) constructed a model in the tradition of noncooperative trading games as used in economics, assuming 'Cournot competition', to model the exchange between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Their main conclusion is that plants allocate their resources proportional to the benefits received from their fungal partners ('linear proportional discrimination').

Steidinger and Peay (2021) also present a market model of the exchange between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. They build on the work of Kummel and Salant (2006) and Wyatt et al (2014) and invoke Weber's law from psychophysics and originally formulated to describe phenomena in human perception, which had so far not been linked to choices made by organisms such as plants. (This paper explained in Stanford News)

Velev (2020) uses biological markets to show the universality of the law of supply and demand in biology and beyond

Loch-Temzelides (2021) presents an economic model based on the results of Whiteside et al (2019 - see page underground nutrient trade) and argues that biological markets are 'Walrasian', i.e. consistent with general economic equilibrium theory (GET).

Related theoretical approaches that also revolve around phenomena such as partner choice and competition by outbidding include:

 last update: 13 JUL  2021