
About me

I was a teacher for ages 7 - 12 for nearly 30 years. Most of that time I was a deputy headteacher but I also spent a few years as an advisor for science and technology. My main subject areas were science,maths, design technology and information technology.

After taking early retirement, I ran a small printing business for a few years and still use trade contacts to provide some printing services.

I worked for a number of years as the vice chairman of the local branch of the Parkinson's Disease Society. In 2010 I was appointed a trustee of the Barrett's Oesophagus Campaign and am now the chairman of their local support group I cofounded, Barrett's Wessex, which became an independent charity in 2012.

My hobbies, when I get time for them, include computing, art, photography, swimming, cycling.

This link takes you to my Web Diary with annual summaries.

And this link takes you to my account of "The Computer Years (1980 - 1990)" or "The Older I get, the greater I was".


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