I am not a prolific artist but do get periods where I am compelled to experiment.

This gallery of some of my art work is just a record of some of those pieces.


Self Portrait 1976

  First commission 

A couple of my animal portraits from 1978

  These portraits are from 1977 - 1982

Please click on an image to enlarge.

Use your browser's back arrow to return. 

For life drawings from this period,

click on this link:

Life Drawings

1977 - 1982

A recently unearthed notebook from 1978 -1981

To see more recent work,

click on one of the links below:

Art projects 2005.

And another in my 2D sculpture series:

Fallen Man ecphrasis, May 2011

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An extra drawing for a friend 2015

2021 "The Road to Nowhere"

Lockdown challenge looking at where we can go and where we'd like to go. Coloured wax pencils on cartridge paper with bike handlebars fashioned from cardboard tubes.

(Not used to the unforgiving medium which cannot be erased or "painted" over.)

Points to note: